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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"haha no one likes you" isn't a very strong argument
But it is when he's begging the EFF or asking ISPs not to block him. He's simply unable to discuss matters in a calm and polite manner, even if someone's being unfair. By the time someone is thirty they should be able to understand throwing a temper tantrum isn't going to work anymore and it will have the opposite effect. People will simply refuse to speak to you.
But it is when he's begging the EFF or asking ISPs not to block him. He's simply unable to discuss matters in a calm and polite manner, even if someone's being unfair. By the time someone is thirty they should be able to understand throwing a temper tantrum isn't going to work anymore and it will have the opposite effect. People will simply refuse to speak to you.

ah but its them who refuse to send him a single message, for some reason
I mean there's a lot of criticism that can be levied against him but he has a very strong base of support, not just his equivalent of Sweetie Squad suck-ups.
Kiwi Farms pulls in close to @$1 million per year in donations, so "haha no one likes you" isn't a very strong argument
@Time 4 Guillotines ... sauce please? Josh has been living with his mum, flying off to Eastern Europe (he claims) and running KF off a series of low quality, second hand servers and routers. I find it hard to believe he is coining $1 million a year when he was complaining he would love to make $30,000 profit. If he is, it is not reflected in his MATI donations, or his known crypto wallets. He would also be able to afford A-list Serbian pornstars to satisfy his sexual frustrations.
Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 5.19.39 PM.png

Null getting mad over a sticker reaction.
500 mug punters x $2000 per annum. It works out at less than $20 a month, it's not that unrealistic.
It would be $167 per month per person. When he had a donation mechanism like MATI, and there have been figures, it was more like his total revenues were $1,000-$4,000 per month. This is consistent with his whining about poverty, not being a lolcow millionaire.
I mean there's a lot of criticism that can be levied against him but he has a very strong base of support, not just his equivalent of Sweetie Squad suck-ups.
Kiwi Farms pulls in close to $1 million per year in donations, so "haha no one likes you" isn't a very strong argument
Yes but that is $1 million in gross receipts not his take home pay. From that gross amount he has to deduct his various expenses such as utilities. intenet-related fees and so forth. In addition, he has to take employment related deductions out of his gross pay. Now because he is self-employed, he has to pay both the employer and employee portions. In addition, he is required to submit certain annual financial reports to the West Virginia Secretary of State because of his LLC status. I would say his take home salary before taxes is probably around 100k to 120k. After taxes, he probably nets around 75k to 80k per year. Since he says he is living in Serbia the cost of living is much cheaper. At 80k per year he is raking in $6666/month. Compared to the income of the average Serbian, Josh is living like a king.
mind you this isn't the first time null bitch about stickers.
kiwifarms is a great place for keks lolololololololol. when your leader start to bitch about stickers just like any other social media normies, that's when you know you and your place are not special anymore. so much for the oLd iNtErNeT™
when your leader starts to bitch
Here's the primary issue with that place.
There's no moobment, no leaders. Just a niche gossip forum full of people who've been brainwashed into keeping calluses off the hands of one man who is going to completely abandon ship and disappear the very second he's financially capable of doing so.
Here's the primary issue with that place.
There's no moobment, no leaders. Just a niche gossip forum full of people who've been brainwashed into keeping calluses off the hands of one man who is going to completely abandon ship and disappear the very second he's financially capable of doing so.
someday man... someday...
one man who is going to completely abandon ship and disappear the very second he's financially capable of doing so.
I don't think he'd leave even if he had the money. Someone might have the clip of it, but he stated on MATI that part of the reason why he hasn't abandoned the forum despite hating everyone on it is that he wants to be "in control of the conversation", which he can't do unless he's a moderator. Unless forced not to, he's going to keep using the site, because nowhere else would he be able to post things like this without getting torn apart.
null hates everyone.png
I don't think he'd leave even if he had the money. Someone might have the clip of it, but he stated on MATI that part of the reason why he hasn't abandoned the forum despite hating everyone on it is that he wants to be "in control of the conversation", which he can't do unless he's a moderator. Unless forced not to, he's going to keep using the site, because nowhere else would he be able to post things like this without getting torn apart.
View attachment 41664
so basically dood wants heckin' free speech as long as people agree with every shit he say trust me guise, that's definitely FREEE SPEECH™
Can't imagine null giving up control of what people can talk about, especially since it's in his interest to keep people from talking about what a monumental fuckwit he is. Look at what happens when someone posts a link on KF to anything off site but related to himself or to the farms.
View attachment 41672
Make your bets on whether or not this will just make things worse.
I mean, this was never intended to make things "better" for the forum, it was to cover up for the fact that the shitter-shattered BP TERFs have been following people around and causing drama in the rest of the forum outside their containment zone, and there was too many embarassing screenshots to prove it. Instead of address the problem at source, he's making it SOOPER DOOPER FORUMS ILLEGAL to notice it.

This is your brain on decades of maternal neglect and friendlessness.
I mean, this was never intended to make things "better" for the forum, it was to cover up for the fact that the shitter-shattered BP TERFs have been following people around and causing drama in the rest of the forum outside their containment zone, and there was too many embarassing screenshots to prove it. Instead of address the problem at source, he's making it SOOPER DOOPER FORUMS ILLEGAL to notice it.

This is your brain on decades of maternal neglect and friendlessness.
now this is what i'm talking about. the problem with kiwifarms as of right now is null and his moderation + administration team. it's literally the cancer that's currently killing the farms. kiwifarms ironically declined into censorship, one of the things they hate

here you go fren, you deserved it