• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
null and his ODD.png

Listening to an hour of a 3-hour long interview. I wanna fucking stab my ears for hearing the bullshit coming out of Null's mouth holy shit. This nigga thinks Tranny Fluffy Keffals lies about being protected. Motherfucker is lying to Turkey Tom to his face on why he was on a block legal game ripoff. He didn't even tell Tom the real reason why he left that site or that he has stolen the name KiwiFarms from a Korean now Japanese farm company that makes KiwiFarm Fruits. The dude is lying so badly it hurts he claims to be free speech when he supports shithole countries like China. (Same man that calls New Zealand the former female lead country before the pandemic fuck people over as a shithole nation) And here he is lying and spreading misinformation about his life or why he makes Mad on the Internet videos claiming he only talks about bad news so no one doxxes where he lives or what games he plays to ban him on. Motherfucker is lying since we know where he lives currently and he isn't a legal guy in some backlash no-name European country because he's too much of a pussy to go back to America due to the fucking jab. The dude is no better than the lying snake Keffals as both of these niggas are cringe and stupid. This guy claims he reports his own users to the police or the FBI and claims YouTube is promoting "her" videos on their site. lol, That's a lie as I have never seen her videos on the trending or mainstream tabs once and him bitching about YouTube promoting Trannies proves he only uses YouTube to look up Tranny videos and bitch about why YouTube is recommending Trannies? lol, The literally clown looks for Tranny videos on YouTube to bitch at them. Like damn nigga just watch other videos outside of the gay shit no nigga wants to hear you bitch about it, dumbass.
The version you posted is edited down and has some of what Null said edited out. This is the version Null himself posted on his own channel:
Here are some comments that were posted under Tom's version of the stream:
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It would make sense given how his actions have been over the years. But it is sad. Whether people are helping him or oppose him he excepts no help .
Josh is defiant. I don’t believe he realizes that his defiant disorder is the thing defying him.
As someone who has a very similar set of… uh.. disorders.. from what I can tell, help and advice sometimes feel extremely condescending.

A lot of the time, when someone starts giving me life advice, my first though is “they’re insulting me or believe I’m doing things the wrong way”.

I believe wording is incredibly important when giving people advice, especially with those with ODD, ADHD, ASPD or BPD although I’d actually advocate for people being careful with wording anyway for the purpose of productivity.

The issue is, at a certain point, one has to realize when something isn’t working out for them, and at that point, it’s nothing to do with environmental factors.

If he objectively cannot see a reason to accept help or change something, he won’t. It isn’t about making him accept help, it’s about making him realize shit ain’t working out, or could be working out better.

Until he sees that, don’t bother.
Same with anyone else.
“You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”
Anglin is one of those "impregnate girls as young as possible" types. Good to see how full of shit his Josh is about associating with pedophiles.
View attachment 28393

It's all about how useful you are to him at any moment. It's why he still uses pedophile Poast. It's why he spoke to Destiny yesterday.
View attachment 28394

It explains why he'll break up with Dick Masterson over defending lolicon after NewProject2 gets terminated, but he'll roll with Nick Rekieta and Daniel "graf" Stevens who have done the same.
thats all true, but i think the main reason he doesn't admit it is it would be ammo to use Aganist him most people [...] still believe he's the freedom fighter that his MATI persona and media notoriety portray him as, saying he can be influenced to keep his own users from fucking you if you help him out will break his reputation, then he becomes another grifter.

i mean its mostly the same reason he's not a nazi despite having all the same views as one, he understands the media will tear him apart so he does some autistic thing like "i hate germans so why would i want them in charge" in order to weasel out of that.

It's for the same reason that Jewsh has been, and is still, mad at PayPayPig, even before he started grifting, and accidentally letting his paypigs get doxed by America Fisters for using Powerchat/LulzTips: it's because, in his mind at least, PPP is responsible (indirectly, as Jewsh clarifies*) for NuPee2 failing, rather than Diddler Dax for being lazy and not making the platform more legitimate (or at least making it appear to be), and it's failure cucked him out of over $2000/month. He'll still call out Dax for associating with pedophiles (and pedo-apologists) like Digibro/Trixie the Golden Troon, Mr.Girl/Max Karson and Vito "the Pedo Hypocrite" Gesualdi, but PPP generates the most seethe out of him because anyone that gets in the way of Jewsh's moneys is persona non grata to him, and is someone who is practically the bane of his existence, and needs to be seen as the Enemy to his "True & Honest" Fans. In other words, get in the way of Jewsh's chance to get shekels, and you be a "fat fucking retard" in the eyes of his rabid fanbase.

If he had received a donation from someone like Jeffrey Epstein (convicted-pedophile millionaire financier) while he was alive, like the infamous retard-rapist Jean-Francois Gariepy, he would've gladly, though quietly, accepted the money, while censoring and harassing anyone that called him out for doing that.

*Josh clarifies so that those who know better won't try to correct him and call him out on his cognitive dissonance

P.S.: Amanda, your writing is absolute shit, were you on your phone when you typing your post?
P.S.: Amanda, your writing is absolute shit, were you on your phone when you typing your post?
mexican drugs while cheap take ice cream scoops out of your brain, i've been feeling like a retard since i got here, lack of sleep too can't remember the last time i got more than 4+ hours. also i might be an ESOL person and not constantly shitposting made my english muscles weak.

josh also is only being more social because he needs that outreach the last 6 months have shown he can't/won't be able to rely on the users anymore for help, he needs better friends when TPTB start fucking with him again. i guess he legitimately thought he could just have his users spam and harrass the presidents of ISPs and it would fix any problem he had.

no way in hell would 2018 Null be ok talking with destiny for hours or other youtubers and he'd mock any nazis that reached out to help him.

you could tell from when he admitted recently that BAT has lost its value that he legitimately planned on just having his users give him crypto to fund the site forever between that and the ISP fuckery Null is suddenly really into the idea of whoring himself out to any youtuber that offers.
It's for the same reason that Jewsh has been, and is still, mad at PayPayPig, even before he started grifting, and accidentally letting his paypigs get doxed by America Fisters for using Powerchat/LulzTips: it's because, in his mind at least, PPP is responsible (indirectly, as Jewsh clarifies*) for NuPee2 failing, rather than Diddler Dax for being lazy and not making the platform more legitimate (or at least making it appear to be), and it's failure cucked him out of over $2000/month. He'll still call out Dax for associating with pedophiles (and pedo-apologists) like Digibro/Trixie the Golden Troon, Mr.Girl/Max Karson and Vito "the Pedo Hypocrite" Gesualdi, but PPP generates the most seethe out of him because anyone that gets in the way of Jewsh's moneys is persona non grata to him, and is someone who is practically the bane of his existence, and needs to be seen as the Enemy to his "True & Honest" Fans. In other words, get in the way of Jewsh's chance to get shekels, and you be a "fat fucking retard" in the eyes of his rabid fanbase.

If he had received a donation from someone like Jeffrey Epstein (convicted-pedophile millionaire financier) while he was alive, like the infamous retard-rapist Jean-Francois Gariepy, he would've gladly, though quietly, accepted the money, while censoring and harassing anyone that called him out for doing that.

*Josh clarifies so that those who know better won't try to correct him and call him out on his cognitive dissonance

P.S.: Amanda, your writing is absolute shit, were you on your phone when you typing your post?
The only reason NP2 failed is because Josh was on it and Vordrak would report it to the banks. Dick wasn't comfortable saving his project by sacrificing his internet friend. Dick is on the MATCH list for years because of Josh.
The only reason NP2 failed is because Josh was on it
That's a lil unfair to the broom, imagine you are a bank manager, Dax "Dickles" Diddler and Gunt walk in, you're pressing the button under the desk before they sit down. Seriously, banks etc still aren't that comfortable with crypto, an one from a guy who claims to live in a barbie mansion... and bang hookers. Ofc joshys own crypto history didn't help.
Crypto had nothing to do with shut down of NP2 and Vordrak personally took credit for it in a stream with Fat Asston and Godwinson.
i watched the entire turkey tom stream there was alot of times i disagree with null on 230 and other internet issues i thought the 8chan stuff was interesting but most of it hes covered in other streams the part that really pissed me off was tom constantly correcting him saying she and making him censor his slurs and the fact hes making a gamergate video and null had to explain who zoe quinn was lmao as someone who enjoyed toms content i was really let down by this interview the destiny interview was pretty lame i thought that null would go at destiny like when destiny said he hates kiwifarms but it was pretty lacking just them kinda agreeing but it was short and not 3 hours long
i watched the entire turkey tom stream there was alot of times i disagree with null on 230 and other internet issues i thought the 8chan stuff was interesting but most of it hes covered in other streams the part that really pissed me off was tom constantly correcting him saying she and making him censor his slurs and the fact hes making a gamergate video and null had to explain who zoe quinn was lmao as someone who enjoyed toms content i was really let down by this interview the destiny interview was pretty lame i thought that null would go at destiny like when destiny said he hates kiwifarms but it was pretty lacking just them kinda agreeing but it was short and not 3 hours long
My thoughts are he's trying to make friends at this late stage and is being more relaxed in his responses
Josh really want to be the Section 230 Guy. That he is the expert on all things internet and Section 230. "My gossip forum is the canary in the coal mine!"

It reminds me when jew lawyer Nick Rekieta verbally smacked him around about the issue, politely calling him a retard, and agreeing with his ex-internet daddy drug-addict degenerate Dick Masterson on the issue.
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Crypto had nothing to do with shut down of NP2 and Vordrak personally took credit for it in a stream with Fat Asston and Godwinson.
IIRC one of those guys also took credit for Dax becoming really obsessed with cuties. this also brings up the logical question if null could get 2k from NP2 despite no real shilling on his part, why didn't he immediately just create his own personal version of it? he could just shill it every episode and do a joke ad reading and say "the only reason i can take time out of my week to do these shows is viewers like you, sign up here especially if you have crypto or redirect your BAT to this site" Vordrak probably fucks him out of so much but he clearly hasn't been able to take down MATI and Dick only set up a wordpress site and a payment processor, whats stopping him from setting up a website with archives locked being a paywall and just have people sign up to take crypto out of their wallets monthly?

i know tryst and other hooker directories do something similar, and they have entire governments targeting them not just some weird british dude. Maybe its just the normies i know influencing my opinion but so many people think of Null as "the host of MATI who also runs a website" rather than "fat fuck that lives in 3rd world country and has blatant ODD and bans on a whim and associates with pedos and is a lazy shitty coder"

the fact that he doesn't take time out of his show to shill the same crap he does on kiwifarms shows how bad he is at being an e-celeb despite it being his "job" the numbers show he easily has at least 100k people viewing his streams so why not take 5 minutes to do something like that
he could just shill it every episode and do a joke ad reading and say "the only reason i can take time out of my week to do these shows is viewers like you, sign up here especially if you have crypto or redirect your BAT to this site" Vordrak probably fucks him out of so much but he clearly hasn't been able to take down MATI and Dick only set up a wordpress site and a payment processor, whats stopping him from setting up a website with archives locked being a paywall and just have people sign up to take crypto out of their wallets monthly?
He still has his gumroad and donationalerts.