• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I don’t know who brought her in but it wasn’t me because I’m not a fan of gayoping cows, like I said. I write the threads and give people the data and it’s up to them what they do, but personally, I don’t get involved in the gayops, not that I care if it happens, but I will intervene if sexual abuse of any sort takes place because that’s just bottom line unacceptable.
By her own version of events she was "sexually harassed" by cow poly for months on KF and decided to follow him to discord to "check out what he was up to"
Just saw this.
If I’m found dead, it wasn’t suicide. I am not intending on killing myself. I have told Josh this over email, I have posted publicly stating as such (multiple times).
Anglin is one of those "impregnate girls as young as possible" types. Good to see how full of shit his Josh is about associating with pedophiles.

It's all about how useful you are to him at any moment. It's why he still uses pedophile Poast. It's why he spoke to Destiny yesterday.

It explains why he'll break up with Dick Masterson over defending lolicon after NewProject2 gets terminated, but he'll roll with Nick Rekieta and Daniel "graf" Stevens who have done the same.
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Anglin is one of those "impregnate girls as young as possible" types. Good to see how full of shit his Josh is about associating with pedophiles.
View attachment 28393

It's all about how useful you are to him at any moment. It's why he still uses pedophile Poast. It's why he spoke to Destiny yesterday.
View attachment 28394

It explains why he'll break up with Dick Masterson over defending lolicon after NewProject2 gets terminated, but he'll roll with Nick Rekieta and Daniel "graf" Stevens who have done the same.
thats all true, but i think the main reason he doesn' admit it is it would be ammo to use Aganist him most people that aren't caught up on the lore still believe he's the freedom fighter that his MATI persona and media notoriety portray him as, saying he can be influenced to keep his own users from fucking you if you help him out will break his reputation, then he becomes another grifter.

i mean its mostly the same reason he's not a nazi despite having all the same views as one, he understands the media will tear him apart so he does some autistic thing like "i hate germans so why would i want them in charge" in order to weasel out of that.
Josh adheres to nothing, he has no morals, no convictions. He’ll snake on you if he feels it’s beneficial to him and his goals, no exceptions. It’s why he’ll claim to fight for free speech, while prior to it saying fuck free speech. It’s why he’ll say he fights for a free internet but simps for china. It’s why he’ll say he hates lolicon and ban you if you say cunny, but will still associate with useful people that support it. But if you talk to the average Kiwi, you’ll hear the opposite of all I’ve just said, it’s pure lunacy.
Josh adheres to nothing, he has no morals, no convictions. He’ll snake on you if he feels it’s beneficial to him and his goals, no exceptions. It’s why he’ll claim to fight for free speech, while prior to it saying fuck free speech. It’s why he’ll say he fights for a free internet but simps for china. It’s why he’ll say he hates lolicon and ban you if you say cunny, but will still associate with useful people that support it. But if you talk to the average Kiwi, you’ll hear the opposite of all I’ve just said, it’s pure lunacy.
Business trumps all. You’ll learn

this from the unofficial official kiwi movie night server , and its turned into a inside joke for some of the olderfags
View attachment 28395
they wouldn't dare post it on kiwi but on discord where josh doesn't want people to know he uses the platform , its cool lol
Is Techpriest’s pfp invisible…
ever since kiwi almost got taken out when the keffals thing happened they dont have open links anymore

dont just leave a server after you tag me @Trollcow wtf

reddit edit : nvm found a link

idk whats the point of disabling making new links if they have one for people to use.

reddit edit 2 : link has been disabled we got the block too hot
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ever since kiwi almost got taken out when the keffals thing happened they dont have open links anymore
View attachment 28398
dont just leave a server after you tag me @Trollcow wtf

reddit edit : nvm found a link

idk whats the point of disabling making new links if they have one for people to use.

Listening to an hour of a 3-hour long interview. I wanna fucking stab my ears for hearing the bullshit coming out of Null's mouth holy shit. This nigga thinks Tranny Fluffy Keffals lies about being protected. Motherfucker is lying to Turkey Tom to his face on why he was on a block legal game ripoff. He didn't even tell Tom the real reason why he left that site or that he has stolen the name KiwiFarms from a Korean now Japanese farm company that makes KiwiFarm Fruits. The dude is lying so badly it hurts he claims to be free speech when he supports shithole countries like China. (Same man that calls New Zealand the former female lead country before the pandemic fuck people over as a shithole nation) And here he is lying and spreading misinformation about his life or why he makes Mad on the Internet videos claiming he only talks about bad news so no one doxxes where he lives or what games he plays to ban him on. Motherfucker is lying since we know where he lives currently and he isn't a legal guy in some backlash no-name European country because he's too much of a pussy to go back to America due to the fucking jab. The dude is no better than the lying snake Keffals as both of these niggas are cringe and stupid. This guy claims he reports his own users to the police or the FBI and claims YouTube is promoting "her" videos on their site. lol, That's a lie as I have never seen her videos on the trending or mainstream tabs once and him bitching about YouTube promoting Trannies proves he only uses YouTube to look up Tranny videos and bitch about why YouTube is recommending Trannies? lol, The literally clown looks for Tranny videos on YouTube to bitch at them. Like damn nigga just watch other videos outside of the gay shit no nigga wants to hear you bitch about it, dumbass.
YouTube is promoting "her" videos on their site. lol, That's a lie as I have never seen her videos on the trending or mainstream tabs once and him bitching about YouTube promoting Trannies proves he only uses YouTube to look up Tranny videos and bitch about why YouTube is recommending Trannies? lol, The literally clown looks for Tranny videos on YouTube to bitch at them. Like damn nigga just watch other videos outside of the gay shit no nigga wants to hear you bitch about it, dumbass.
Nigga can't just not watch something he doesn't like yeah. Pretty gay ngl.
Nigga can't just not watch something he doesn't like yeah. Pretty gay ngl.
I wouldn't be shocked if he has to look for it himself and bitch to Tom about it. At least I watch channels that focus on anime and superhero-related shit. Also, Null is cursing so many times in this video that Dark Tom has to censor half of his words because he was cursing so many times that it gives me a headache like how is this retard not sued for reals? Like a real lawsuit, not this grafter shit that claims they will sue but waste money on shit like porn on OnlyFans shit