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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
yeah that sounds pretty gay so basically you were friends and she started getting liked you thought it was cringe but did not care then the porn comes out and she turns on you and now shes saying she wants to sue you discord drama is so gay also im curious what program was used to deepfake the porn that sounds pretty scary that thats real
We weren’t friends but we had enough mutuals to be considered friendly and in close proximity.

I thought it was cringe ye but I’m not gonna care about gay popularity shit.

She’s legit threatening to sue me over making a video lol.

Uhh I think they used Adobe Photoshop, FaceApp, Face Swap Live, and maybe some video editing tools to reposition audio recordings & shit.
you don’t get to share a space with me for 6 months and then go posting on my thread as if we don’t know each other.
but darling, we all did that . 1050524952555696188.png
I don’t know who brought her in but it wasn’t me because I’m not a fan of gayoping cows, like I said. I write the threads and give people the data and it’s up to them what they do, but personally, I don’t get involved in the gayops, not that I care if it happens, but I will intervene if sexual abuse of any sort takes place because that’s just bottom line unacceptable.
I don’t know who brought her in but it wasn’t me because I’m not a fan of gayoping cows, like I said. I write the threads and give people the data and it’s up to them what they do, but personally, I don’t get involved in the gayops, not that I care if it happens, but I will intervene if sexual abuse of any sort takes place because that’s just bottom line unacceptable.
By her own version of events she was "sexually harassed" by cow poly for months on KF and decided to follow him to discord to "check out what he was up to"