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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
And the self awareness never starts.
Null and the conversations he attracts about diet and fitness are the most infuriating threads on kiwi farms.
He can't accept that PPP was right about his shitty diet plan and has developed PTSD over how hard he got mogged by his own users for it. Sure PPP failed himself, but he got kicked out of his room by his boyfriend Surfer, almost froze his butt off, then slinked his way back to Warski's good graces. Josh has little to no excuse for his obesity when he stays home all day "coding" or whatever it is he pretends to be doing, which in all likelihood is just him stuffing his face.
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almost froze his butt off,
Should have closed the fridge door.
slinked his way back to Warski's good graces
Warski couldn't wait to be under the weight of PPP again. Literally.

But for sure, every day, joshy seethes over the fact that he cares more about his obesity than PPP does (who has, on more than one occasion, "got them out for the lads")
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joshy seems to forget he is morbidly obese (so much so he had to lie about the weight of his phone).

Also, Orson Welles was a right lard arse. Couldn't call him low IQ. joshy, yes.

To be fair Josh does have a point. Exhibit A he is also morbidly obese, living off handouts and stuffing himself with junk food, all because he is low IQ. And he's white on top of it all so its a diversity win
Last MATI Josh said he joined Destiny's discord to call MrGirl a pedophile and got angry he was banned. Destiny and MrGirl haven't associated with each other until this year so all his talk of not using discord besides for "rare occasions" to ask coding questions simply isn't true. He also said he's in many groups for "niche games," so remember this whenever he kvetches about discord.
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Josh defending his convicted pedophile friend Cody Wilson (and his metrosexual jacket) while calling Matt Gaetz a pedophile when there has been no ruling on the his matter by a judge.

As of September 2022 Mr. Gaetz still denies any wrongdoing and prosecutors have recommended no charges.
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He said he was proud to finally weigh below 110kg last stream.
How the fuck can anyone get obesity in the first place seriously, I'm not an American myself so I really don't know about the eating culture there, but anyone with more than double digits IQ knows stuffing themselves with junk food is an indisputably retarded behavior and being obese is no one but your fault.
How the fuck can anyone get obesity in the first place seriously, I'm not an American myself so I really don't know about the eating culture there, but anyone with more than double digits IQ knows stuffing themselves with junk food is an indisputably retarded behavior and being obese is no one but your fault.
It is ultimately everyone's responsibility. I've been blessed with a fast metabolism and have never been overweight, but as a dirty American i know many overweight and obese people.

While we all need to be accountable for our own choices, living healthy in the US is a real uphill challenge.

One factor you have to consider is convenience. Its almost impossible to eat healthy in the US unless you have a lot of home cooked meals. Restaurants are all packed with high carb, high salt foods. Fast food, gas stations, corner store... it's all bad here. Its an uphill battle.

I've been to Canada and the UK, the two countries probably most like the US, and from what I've seen its much improved. All sweets in the UK taste like 50% the sugar, which I prefer anyway, but way healthier. Much less salt across the board. Bags of veggies, stir fry meals, ready to go at the gas station at good prices. Meals for one at Tescos people pick up on the way home from work, almost as good as home cooked. We have almost none of that. If you aren't going to the grocery store, 99% chance you're eating bad.

That's a big reason why more than half of US citizens are overweight, and over one in three are obese.
How the fuck can anyone get obesity in the first place seriously, I'm not an American myself so I really don't know about the eating culture there, but anyone with more than double digits IQ knows stuffing themselves with junk food is an indisputably retarded behavior and being obese is no one but your fault.
Josh almost ballooned up to 300 pounds in Ukraine, and this was well before all the Keffals stuff. No discipline or self-control.