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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
He said he was proud to finally weigh below 110kg last stream.
thats pretty good considering he's 6'5, he is 6'5 right?
How the fuck can anyone get obesity in the first place seriously, I'm not an American myself so I really don't know about the eating culture there, but anyone with more than double digits IQ knows stuffing themselves with junk food is an indisputably retarded behavior and being obese is no one but your fault.
there is this obsession with 3 meals a day and having a food pyramid on every plate. you can't just have a steak the size of a deck of cards, you need your greens and a side and desert!

everyone is getting over 1k calories every meal and is getting weird looks if they don't eat that. that adds up to about 5k once you factor in snacks and your sodas. combine that with no exercise and everyone is chunky.

beyond that all the "experts" say even 3k calories a day is normal and anything under that is starvation. literally part of holocaust class is learning that the nazis were evil for only letting jews have 1400 calories of food daily (the soviets lived on 700 calories for most of stalin's era)

honestly the biggest factor is snacks, soda, and exercise. when i cut out the first two and got a job that forced me to walk an hour round trip every day i lost so much weight i got an intervention.

most people in the US drink their calories because like mexico the water can't be trusted here and black coffee stopped being a real thing here a long time ago.
so did ethan ralph, if null was that tall he would have said it in a rant by this point.
I'm pretty sure I learned it from his show. There are some photos of him standing with other people from years ago. I remembered because he's pretty much my height.

It doesn't really matter, he's very committed to not facefagging or appearing in photos online, and he's probably experienced enough now to make that happen. He's not going to accidentally turn on a camera or something.
Josh Moon on Thanksgiving: ItS PiZzA dAy!


what a schlub
Josh is so not angry at lolcow Ethan Ralph he changed the flavor text of Ralph's board once again.

https://archive.ph/fOgdX (for comparison)

Where's that Ralph dox countdown, Joshy? Gonna put it back up? Perhaps you're still scared of that tranny Keffals and the narrative she put out of you're website being a stalker forum? Cope and sneed, faggot.
Why can Josh harvest banana peppers to make a subway sandwich in Serbia but Ralph can't harvest corn??? Corn is superior to banana peppers in every way imaginable. A banana pepper isn't even that hot, plus to make them good you have to pickle them for ages and then you're basically eating spicy vinegar with the texture of rubber; where as corn comes in many kernels, each one literally POPPING with flavor. You can even add spicy spices to corn to make a tongue tingling cob of knob that goes great with ANY dish.
Yet here we are in the year of our lord 2022 still talking about Josh's subway sandwich like he's not an obese retarded faggot instead of praising the rALPHA GOD for making the corn be heavy soon.
Josh is so not angry at lolcow Ethan Ralph he changed the flavor text of Ralph's board once again.
View attachment 26099
https://archive.ph/fOgdX (for comparison)

Where's that Ralph dox countdown, Joshy? Gonna put it back up? Perhaps you're still scared of that tranny Keffals and the narrative she put out of you're website being a stalker forum? Cope and sneed, faggot.
View attachment 26100
Betting against the Ralphamale? Ngmi. He's the face of cozy while Nick works with Kanye.
Josh is so not angry at lolcow Ethan Ralph he changed the flavor text of Ralph's board once again.
View attachment 26099
https://archive.ph/fOgdX (for comparison)

Where's that Ralph dox countdown, Joshy? Gonna put it back up? Perhaps you're still scared of that tranny Keffals and the narrative she put out of you're website being a stalker forum? Cope and sneed, faggot.
View attachment 26100
Why don't you carry more water for a child support dodging fat alcholic piggy who crawls around on his hooves and begs for table scraps like the filthy animal he is.
Guess what piggie I started tracking your income now. Thats right you see that $2598.99 you just made in the last 2 days? Thats all Mr. Vickers money, the more you make it all goes to Vickers. The man whos daughter your defiled.

OINK for me piggie I know you think about me nonstop. You can't stand this I know your going to seethe and cope now that I am using my power to track every last penny your retarded audience gives you on every stream through the fed honeypot which is Powerchat.
Cry some more you fat piece of shit, your fat poor piece of shit cant even make $3k in 2 days because your a washed up drunk piggie
Mister Vickers raped his daughter, is abusive to his wife, and lets adult men date his underage daughter to diddle her in Disneyland :haha:

Lolcow Ethan Ralph made $2600 in around 20 hours of streaming? That's about $130 an hour! That's way more than Josh is going to make at McDonalds in a couple years. It's good to be the Ralphamale :cool: No wonder Josh hates him so much.
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You're likely not the real Trannymura, as he would be too paranoid to make an account here, but in case you are please instruct Mr. Vickers to unprivate his twitter account. He and his dumpy slut of a daughter have been tweeting from behind a walled garden ever since her frankenstein of a boyfriend was exposed.
isaiah1.pnghttps://archive.ph/aNjFw https://archive.ph/wip/cU6Gr
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by Ethan Ralph. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for Ethan Ralph who will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. Ethan Ralph gets to fuck her loose pussy every night. Ethan Ralph gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for Ethan Ralph to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
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Why don't you carry more water for a child support dodging fat alcholic piggy who crawls around on his hooves and begs for table scraps like the filthy animal he is.
Guess what piggie I started tracking your income now. Thats right you see that $2598.99 you just made in the last 2 days? Thats all Mr. Vickers money, the more you make it all goes to Vickers. The man whos daughter your defiled.
View attachment 26103
OINK for me piggie I know you think about me nonstop. You can't stand this I know your going to seethe and cope now that I am using my power to track every last penny your retarded audience gives you on every stream through the fed honeypot which is Powerchat.
Cry some more you fat piece of shit, your fat poor piece of shit cant even make $3k in 2 days because your a washed up drunk piggie
i presume this is a parody account of the real Haru, because its been well established Ralph lies about his views and tips hard. they all do.

also Haru was so autistic that he didn't realize the whole May bit.

still angry that null and the other kiwis simp hard for big faith.