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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Both parties do shit like that all the time, also keep in mind most Republicans in power back then like Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Dubya, are like the dictionary definition of "Swamp creature".

That's also why the Media calling for a "principled" Republican party is funny, Trump does retarded shit but these assholes are literally everything they claimed to despise in the 2000s and now the media fawns over them as the good Republicans standing up to ebil drumpf.
No politisperging in the diet coke thread.
Too bad private companies can also ban you for saying factual statements like women don't have penises or posting factual news that makes a dem politician look bad.
Oh my.
View attachment 1985

I don't understand this whole stigma of needing to be able to say racial slurs... Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people say them and I avoid saying them as much as possible, but why would you need to say it?
It's a shame you can't react to notices, because I guarantee that this one would be plastered in alarm clocks.

"Noooooooooo you don't understand! Running a website is hard work, I don't want my legacy to die because of SIGSEGV" - Null, probably
haha shitpost go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

@cjöcker clean it up
No politisperging in the diet coke thread.
Sadly, with Jewsh, it’s very very difficult to seperate politics from his lolcowness due to the sheer fact that he can’t stop making his shit about politics 24/7. There is irony in watching him tell others “NO POLITICS IN MY FUNNY MAN” while also telling everyone to vote against section 230 or Orange Man Bad!!!
No politisperging in the diet coke thread.
Too late, this is already left-wing A&H, see @MarineTrainedTard 's posts
It's a shame you can't react to notices, because I guarantee that this one would be plastered in alarm clocks.
Nice one faggot, few people have the stones to downvote Josh.
Null is a sperg who's political ideology is simply what will benefit himself at the moment,
Now I think he's gonna start moving a bit left because a lot of the users (and jannies) who suck his dick are lefties like Lexmechanic and the A&N tards keep getting him in trouble.
I wonder whose cock Lexmechanic sucks to have so much power despite being one of the users most deserving of a halal thread by far.
If he's a tranny, and I suspect he is since he's a pedophile, an attention whore and a weeb, he may be posting feet pictures to the mods or some shit.
"Noooooooooo you don't understand! Running a website is hard work, I don't want my legacy to die because of SIGSEGV" - Null, probably
You cuckish simps need to get over SIG's ban already, so fucking repetitive.
Too late, this is already left-wing A&H, see @MarineTrainedTard 's posts

Nice one faggot, few people have the stones to downvote Josh.


I wonder whose cock Lexmechanic sucks to have so much power despite being one of the users most deserving of a halal thread by far.
If he's a tranny, and I suspect he is since he's a pedophile, an attention whore and a weeb, he may be posting feet pictures to the mods or some shit.

You cuckish simps need to get over SIG's ban already, so fucking repetitive.
Are you secretly op's long lost twin?