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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
>We don't ban people for no reason
@snailslime was banned for making a joke. @The Sauce Boss was banned for calling Null a little bitch. @Basil II was banned for calling Null a pussy. Zed was banned for making an obvious joke at the expense of a retarded janny. Rat Speaker was banned for making a joke. Having a reason for banning someone doesn't justify the ban if the reason is bullshit.
Not the decision I would have made. Also saying something along the lines of 'lol you have cancer I hope you die' to someone who actually has cancer isn't funny. That's called being a cunt and I wouldn't put up with that either. But I wouldn't have made the ban permanent.
Not the decision I would have made. Also saying something along the lines of 'lol you have cancer I hope you die' to someone who actually has cancer isn't funny. That's called being a cunt and I wouldn't put up with that either. But I wouldn't have made the ban permanent.
Remind me again why mental illnesses are ok but physical illnesses are off limits
When Totalbiscit literally got cancer in his ass I was laughing mine off.
When a politician or an extremist gets brain cancer the banter potential is endless.
O RLY? I thought you were Rat Speaker.

Quick question... if you found out I had cancer, what would you say to me?
I would laugh in your face and make jokes about it.
If you're Y2K then tell me what a cup of cheese is.
stfu libtard
Not the decision I would have made. Also saying something along the lines of 'lol you have cancer I hope you die' to someone who actually has cancer isn't funny. That's called being a cunt and I wouldn't put up with that either. But I wouldn't have made the ban permanent.
Agreed, but I think Null was just done with Rat Speaker by that point and looking for any excuse to get rid of him (which I mean: fair enough, the guy was and is a cunt). If you go scanning through Xenomorph's profile page you'll find plenty of people making 'mean-spirited' cancer jokes too and nothing ever happened to them.
xeno1.png xeno2.png
Agreed, but I think Null was just done with Rat Speaker by that point and looking for any excuse to get rid of him (which I mean: fair enough, the guy was and is a cunt). If you go scanning through Xenomorph's profile page you'll find plenty of people making 'mean-spirited' cancer jokes too and nothing ever happened to them.
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Actually, it's about ethics in making fun of people in a website about making fun of people.
Goddamn Kiwi Farms is running slow/shitty lately now that Josh has had the glowies install their auto-logging software in the backend so that all us doomposters can be rounded up and sent to the camps. ?
God, I wish that was true.
Agreed, but I think Null was just done with Rat Speaker by that point and looking for any excuse to get rid of him (which I mean: fair enough, the guy was and is a cunt). If you go scanning through Xenomorph's profile page you'll find plenty of people making 'mean-spirited' cancer jokes too and nothing ever happened to them.
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Pretty sure it was because Rat had a long history of harassing users as a "joke" and even got perma'd for it already, and the cancer comment was the straw that broke the camel's back.
LOL he had another meltdown about buying crypto and muh ebil twitter

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He often mixes good advice with a warped sensationalism. He perceives every negative event in an apocalyptic light which is one of the reasons I'm sure he has had untreated depression for quite some time. I'm not going to fault him. There's never a bad time to invest time into new skills, or investing money into long-term investments but the way he prefaces this advice is always with screaming about everything good ending forever.