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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
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I'm not a deranged ancap sped so I don't know, but I was under the impression it can be difficult to turn crypto into real cash and buying thing with crypto is still real niche?
I'm not a deranged ancap sped so I don't know, but I was under the impression it can be difficult to turn crypto into real cash and buying thing with crypto is still real niche?
Bitcoin and other popular crypto are starting to be used by larger platforms. Paypal I know has a way to use crypto on their platform. You'll probably see this happen more now that its gained popularity but don't expect it to replace money or anything unless something drastic happens.
Some national banks have even started dealing with the stuff. I think the credit union I bank at has an option for conversion.
For bitcoin converstion fees must be prohibitive unless they use any workaround, miners fees are high as shit and only bound to get higher as time goes own due to the limitations of bitcoin.
Ready for another "upgrade"?View attachment 1978
Josh is the type of individual that obsesses himself over how to properly optimize the realism in the calculations of temperature between two tiles in Space Station 13 but can't bother to fix a core issue that has been harming his website efficiency since its very begining.
Hey Josh, Luke Smith, your fellow Brave shill, would be very disapointed, Kiwifarms is bloated! You heard it here first folks!
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Bitcoin and other popular crypto are starting to be used by larger platforms. Paypal I know has a way to use crypto on their platform. You'll probably see this happen more now that its gained popularity but don't expect it to replace money or anything unless something drastic happens.
I suppose I could see at some point in the future Bitcoin being more widely accepted but I think the people who think it will replace fiat currency are... optimistic, at best.

Also I think if we're in a situation where fiat currency is no longer viable bitcoin is also probably going to be difficult to use since the only way I can see fiat currency being worthless is in some kind of apocalyptic scenario. Could be wrong but I'd be willing to bet money on it.
Ready for another "upgrade"?
View attachment 1978
>Now, we're going to take steps to bring the entire disk array into full use, and remove a feature we do not use (disk imaging), which will further increase disk performance.
Excuse my ignorance and stupidity, but why the fuck WOULDN'T you get rid of useless features to increase space in the first place?
Oh my.

I don't understand this whole stigma of needing to be able to say racial slurs... Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people say them and I avoid saying them as much as possible, but why would you need to say it?
Oh my.
View attachment 1985

I don't understand this whole stigma of needing to be able to say racial slurs... Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people say them and I avoid saying them as much as possible, but why would you need to say it?
lol what a faggot. Let's punish everyone by having literally no one else join the forum because of political shit... you know, the same political shit that Josh was reeee-ing about during AND after the riot at capital hill.
>The entire time during Trumps presidency
<This orange faggot is going to take away my website!!!
>Trump is no longer the president
<It's the fucking banks fault and everyone is guilty for not doing anything!!!
So what is this, Null? A last desperate attempt to save your precious site heaven forbid some sperg said something that the glow-niggers wouldn't approve? You kept bitching about getting rid of A&N so just fucking do that. Why prevent other people from enjoying "a forum about funny people in the internet"? Your decisions make no fucking sense at all.
Oh my.
View attachment 1985

I don't understand this whole stigma of needing to be able to say racial slurs... Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people say them and I avoid saying them as much as possible, but why would you need to say it?
He could do literally anything other than this. He could add a thing to the registration asking if you're only there for politics, and if you say yes, you're locked into A&H or something. He could just delete A&H. He could actually moderate the political threads more closely to make them not be such warzones.
Instead he does this.
Oh my.
View attachment 1985

I don't understand this whole stigma of needing to be able to say racial slurs... Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people say them and I avoid saying them as much as possible, but why would you need to say it?
removing the ability to say slurs is a slippery slope that simply leads to the powers that be labelling everything they don't like as a slur or hateful.
and yet he still has those political news while writing up a paragraph on why some guy is a retarded nigger or whatever insult he likes to throw lol
View attachment 1986
Already off to a good start
lol why do lefties always become staunch libertarians when companies start doing bad things to their political opponents.
removing the ability to say slurs is a slippery slope that simply leads to the powers that be labelling everything they don't like as a slur or hateful.

lol why do lefties always become staunch libertarians when companies start doing bad things to their political opponents.
Are you calling Null a left winger? Because he's not, he just hates Trump for screeching about 230 so much.
Edit: Nevermind, I see the actual comment you were talking about. They do it because anything bad done to right wingers is good. Even if it breaks the "morals" they always talk about having over the right.
Are you calling Null a left winger? Because he's not, he just hates Trump for screeching about 230 so much.
Edit: Nevermind, I see the actual comment you were talking about. They do it because anything bad done to right wingers is good. Even if it breaks the "morals" they always talk about having over the right.
Null is a sperg who's political ideology is simply what will benefit himself at the moment, also he's a retard so it tends to become fairly wacky.

He thinks the sky is permanently falling and constantly doomposts but mocks anyone who actually takes this hysteria to it's logical conclusion and does something. He LARPs as a political rebel and dissident because it feeds his ego (see his response to the New Zealand government about the Christchurch shooting video) but pussies out the absolute instant it becomes even slightly inconvenient for him like when @SIGSEGV's shitpost got him in trouble.

Now I think he's gonna start moving a bit left because a lot of the users (and jannies) who suck his dick are lefties like Lexmechanic and the A&N tards keep getting him in trouble.
Well, there is some irony in the American right demanding deregulation for decades, but now when suddenly it means something bad happens to them, they do a 180 and are all for regulation (I'm actually fine with regulations for big tech companies until such a time as there is real competition in the marketplace)
Well, there is some irony in the American right demanding deregulation for decades, but now when suddenly it means something bad happens to them, they do a 180 and are all for regulation (I'm actually fine with regulations for big tech companies until such a time as there is real competition in the marketplace)
Both parties do shit like that all the time, also keep in mind most Republicans in power back then like Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Dubya, are like the dictionary definition of "Swamp creature".

That's also why the Media calling for a "principled" Republican party is funny, Trump does retarded shit but these assholes are literally everything they claimed to despise in the 2000s and now the media fawns over them as the good Republicans standing up to ebil drumpf.