• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I agree, money isn't everything, and that's precisely why you should give me all your money.
No way man, I need these dollarydoos to afford the Jordan Belfort lifestyle. You're free to join in on the fun if you like though, least I can do.
My question is, what actually makes incels, femcels, and volcels?
Being a nobody in an increasingly dehumanized global society? I'm sure it doesn't help anything.
If hotwheels is to be believed Jewsh used to be tweaker, I'm somewhat skeptical since hotwheels is serpentine as fuck.
He drinks a lot coke zero (up to 4 liters daily) and coffee ocasionally.

Can caffeine be considered a drug? The effects of caffeine on physical and mental health are overwhemingly positive, but yes, technically speaking it's adrug.

Hotwheels never said Josh was a tweaker, it was more of Josh asking Hotwheels on how to get Modafinil into the Phillipines to allegedly give him a work ethic boost for the imageboard software that was crowdfunded, Infinity next. Hotwheels didn't want that liability and told him not to try to bring a controlled substance to the philipines - a stimulant no less - even if it was legal to own in the States at the time.
Being a nobody in an increasingly dehumanized global society? I'm sure it doesn't help anything.
wtf I love global society now


Hotwheels never said Josh was a tweaker, it was more of Josh asking Hotwheels on how to get Modafinil into the Phillipines to allegedly give him a work ethic boost for the imageboard software that was crowdfunded, Infinity next. Hotwheels didn't want that liability and told him not to try to bring a controlled substance to the philipines - a stimulant no less - even if it was legal to own in the States at the time.
I'm fairly certain it was Adderall, not modafinil, and hotwheels outright said that Josh was abusing his adhd prescription
I was once a femcel, but now a volcel, because I feel more at peace with celibacy.
From my understanding femcels are more hostile towards autists and way less towards lesbians, they're even supportive of lesbians.

Incels are extremely hostile to da faggets and their retoric excludes them enterely, at least partially, because their whole biological reductionist narrative is destroyed by the existence of non-heterosexuals, but sightly more friendly towards autists.

Perhaps that Baron Cohen fella was into something with his Emphatising-Systemizing theory which is controversial because muh misogyny or some identity politics bs like that.
We are all autistic, and I can guaran-fucking-tee that nobody who posts in weirdo internet forums has much of a social life. Besides not all sexless autists subscribe to incel ideology, as it's fucking nuts and even Chris wouldn't put up with their bullshit for long.
What is incel ideaology? And don't link me to blackpill stuff
What is incel ideaology? And don't link me to blackpill stuff
the incel ideology is the belief that sex and relationship distributions are determined by market dynamics and just like economic resources this distribution can be unfair and unethical so a certain form of welfare or market control is needed, or a planned sex economy, so to speak
incel ideology establishes that we live in post-monogamy, monogamy is a market manipulation similar to tariffs and progressive taxation scheemes in the sense that it limits the accumulation of sexual relationships and makes it more equal
incels use economics, genetics and evolutionary psychology to justify these beliefs

In the most bluepilled end you have people like Gaad who says that marketing is mating and marketing is reproduction

In the most blackpilled end you have those atheist and materialist edgelords that firmly believe in biological determinism and other doomer ideologies

Major influences:
The forementioned
Otto Weiniger
Edward Dutton
Geoffrey Miller

you also have small subsets the "utopian socialists" that critised Engel's The Origin of the Family, pedophile rights activists, traditionalists and ancaps that believe in taking the "rapepill" and restoring slavery and the consideration of women as property (Nathan Larson for example).
I'm fairly certain it was Adderall, not modafinil, and hotwheels outright said that Josh was abusing his adhd prescription

You might be right, but I was referring to this.

"We were waiting to go to Katipunan to pick up Modafinil — an alternative to Adderall, which was what he really wanted, and even went so far as to ask Ron in Japan how to acquire. The guy with it texted me, “sorry, I can’t get there until 7PM. Is that OK?” It wasn’t OK for Josh."

I remember that era as he was asking multiple online people about how to get it shipped to him, and his misguided belief that it will magically make him an expert level coder with an Amish work ethic.
You might be right, but I was referring to this.

I remember that era as he was asking multiple online people about how to get it shipped to him, and his misguided belief that it will magically make him an expert level coder with an Amish work ethic.