• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You shouldn't grace that website with your presence anyway. They don't deserve people like you who aren't blind to the shit.
Honestly that's just about every internet community in existence. It's sad to see KF basically going the way of your average subreddit.
He had a peak paranoid schizophrenic mental breakdown and accused me of being like 50 billion different users and having 6 trillion socks, and then I decided to actually make socks to engage the lackeys who made those claims and run along with it because that shit is hilarious.
For every one of my accounts he bans, I have fifty socks ready to take its place. Just like any decent troll should.
It's because he's sexually frustrated and wants to take it out on random women, the exact same reason any of you do anything.
Null is nothing more than a fatter, uglier version of Elliot Rodger, and if you bring up this fact near him he completely loses his shit.
Literally the only KF "breeders" I've ever encountered were some creepy idiot on SA who said she met her racist husband on that site and they put leftover pizza under their filthy bed and got made fun of for it until she self-banned back in 2019, and some hyper-trad psycho who only met his wife through a Christian cult. Nobody who voluntarily talks to people like Josh Moon have social lives lol
This I can confirm, I post on KF and am still an incel. I don't think it's because I post of KF but I'm sure it's doing me no favors.
So I'm on like maybe 8 beers right now and have no shame at this moment

Getting banned reminds me of the Minecraft Forums in 2010.

Believe it or not, the Minecraft Forums back in 2009 was really chill, it was basically just an offsite /v/, back when /v/ was actually cool (I know, hard to believe). But as Minecraft started getting popular, it started getting overrun with kids, and the owner(s?) started adding more mods, more rules. I got banned pretty quickly. I was happy to get banned, since the place became so shit, but also I was sad to see the place fall to ruin like that.

That's exactly how I feel about KF now. Once a cool place, now it's just, lost sight of what it once was. It's sad. Stare into the abyss and all that.
I originally joined years ago when it was Cwcki Forums because of Chris, but now we got our own autistic fatass running the special ed class that is KF.
The more I've come to understand trannies on KF the more I realize everyone who constantly bitches about them are themselves trollshielding trannies.
Everyone on KF is trollshielding about something.
Remember how CIA Nig got outed? He made fun of people who fapped to planes and he himself fapped to planes.
Well if anything I'm an autistic incel just to get any accusations of troll shielding out of the way. Now planes is just fucking weird even by my standards. At least fap to anime tiddies or something, they're at least human...right?
Honestly that's just about every internet community in existence. It's sad to see KF basically going the way of your average subreddit.

For every one of my accounts he bans, I have fifty socks ready to take its place. Just like any decent troll should.

Null is nothing more than a fatter, uglier version of Elliot Rodger, and if you bring up this fact near him he completely loses his shit.

This I can confirm, I post on KF and am still an incel. I don't think it's because I post of KF but I'm sure it's doing me no favors.

I originally joined years ago when it was Cwcki Forums because of Chris, but now we got our own autistic fatass running the special ed class that is KF.

Well if anything I'm an autistic incel just to get any accusations of troll shielding out of the way. Now planes is just fucking weird even by my standards. At least fap to anime tiddies or something, they're at least human...right?
So fapping to planes is too weird by your standards, yet powerleveling that you're an autistic incel isn't. Curious.
So fapping to planes is too weird by your standards, yet powerleveling that you're an autistic incel isn't. Curious.
The plane thing is too weird for me too.
So fapping to planes is too weird by your standards, yet powerleveling that you're an autistic incel isn't. Curious.
We are all autistic, and I can guaran-fucking-tee that nobody who posts in weirdo internet forums has much of a social life. Besides not all sexless autists subscribe to incel ideology, as it's fucking nuts and even Chris wouldn't put up with their bullshit for long.
So fapping to planes is too weird by your standards, yet powerleveling that you're an autistic incel isn't. Curious.
I think the Redditfarms are more of your likening fetishit neurotypical, so consider posting exclusively there.
I can guaran-fucking-tee that nobody who posts in weirdo internet forums has much of a social life. Besides not all sexless autists subscribe to incel ideology, as it's fucking nuts and even Chris wouldn't put up with their bullshit for long.
100% this
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"Are you a good incel, or a bad incel?"
Just an autist who realizes how rigged the game truly is. Even if people like Josh got their idealized based tradwife or anime schoolgirl with enormous tiddies or whatever the fuck they would wind up unhappy once again. A retard like Josh especially would find something else to be angry about, or be an abusive asshole towards his partner. He just gives off that vibe.
"You're an incel, I get laid a lot because I'm more r-selected than you, I bet you envy me so much"

Not really, even if current circunstances promote fast life strategies you always have to remember that no matter how much you reproduce and how much you get laid you will never experience the full depth of the human experience, at the end of the day, after dysgenic tendencies compound and a Behavioural Sink the ecology will hit its limit and your offspring will be K-selected by the harsh ecology, then, after the end of the human period, entropy will be unstopable until the eventually end of the Cosmos and then the Heat Death and then the Big Rip.
Remember that the universe or any higher conciousness don't give a crap about how much "not an incel" you are because you're a literally soul-less NPC. Eventually you and your offspring will meet the emptiness of non-existence.

The fact that you reproduce more than us is perfectly explained by the fact we live in an age and a time determined by a Fisherian Runaway and a huge evolutive mismatch.

That being said, as UltimateDestroyer has said the incel ideology is insane, but that doesn't mean that you aren't either.
Incels are just failed r-selected strategists and Chads are just winning r-selected strategists.