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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Probably because of these postView attachment 1611

View attachment 1612
Why is everyone flipping shit over this Made in Abyss show?
The main cast of the show are two kids and they traverse into a giant hole in the ground getting more and more fucked up as they go down.

Now when you take children and add in a fucked up environment... Use your imagination from there.
I'd looked it up and it all seemed innocuous to me. Just another dull bit of boilerplate. I guess that kind of premise is draw for undesirable and unwanted fetishists.
Why is everyone flipping shit over this Made in Abyss show?
Idk I watched the first episode found it boring and I never finished it but like tohou I've seen people who like it making a lot of NSFW pics with the characters. This is weird and digusting because all the character are childlike and human beast looking things.
T;LDR: Josh got into a twitter spat with some fanatical lolicon-defending nobody over him calling Made in Abyss pedobait, and then went and made a thread on said nobody the exact same day.
I am a little surprised he hasn't rustled the wrong person's feathers enough to get banned from his current account. I thought he was blacklisted from the site.