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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null's autistic hateboner for Chinese cartoons will never not be funny. It's almost like he's trying to compensate for his own failures.

"I may be a fat fuck living in Bumfuck Nowhere, Eastern Europe who threw away his life just to run some autistic forum, but at least I'm not some dang dirty WEEB!"
Kiwi satan anime 1.png

kiwi satan anime 2.png

kiwi satan anime 3.png

kiwi satan anime 4.png

Looks like Satan is about to eat a permaban, check out the thread and watch it unfold in real time!

Null's autistic hateboner for Chinese cartoons will never not be funny. It's almost like he's trying to compensate for his own failures.

"I may be a fat fuck living in Bumfuck Nowhere, Eastern Europe who threw away his life just to run some autistic forum, but at least I'm not some dang dirty WEEB!"
That's pretty ironic considering he got the facial proportion of an anime character (size of the eyes aside)

The distance between the eyes is pretty kawai
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