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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Thought this fit best here. RIP heyitsmike.
View attachment 1673
Surprisingly, it doesn't look like they're banned. He's not wrong about anything he said in that post, but he's wrong to think that Josh cares about any of that superficial information, especially coming from someone that he's already labeled as an angry fag trying to spite him like hundreds before.
In that situation, not being banned would probably be more crushing to them. It would imply that the message had no effect, and they wouldn't get the satisfaction of believing they pissed off Josh. They could assume that they didn't get banned because Josh is a pussy, but that conflicts with evidence of his previous moderation.

TL;DR (Not Epic) Fail
In response to the current speech Trump is giving at the D.C. protests.
Nice to see someone calmly tell Null Trump isn't the main person to worry about on this.
View attachment 1678
RIP HumanHive.
View attachment 1679
In response to the current speech Trump is giving at the D.C. protests.
View attachment 1676
At this point, his posts might as well count as Trump Derangement Syndrome with all the REEEEEEE-ing he's fucking doing over him and Section230 specifically.
Thought this fit best here. RIP heyitsmike.
View attachment 1673
Holy fuck you need to post his response to this post immediately. There is no way Jewsh let that insult slide.

I'm gonna live in fucking shithole Serbia where Chad Vlad wakes me up at 3am to drill holes into my commieblock while I cry into my cum soaked bed sheets but by God that server is staying in America.
honestly, is there any proof he actually doesn’t live in america still? When Vordrak was interviewed by Godwinson, he claimed that josh was lying about the serbia shit and was somewhere in the NYC region? (Fyi vordrak didn’t actually explain how he knew this or show evidence but tbf neither has josh shown any evidence hes in Serbia).
honestly, is there any proof he actually doesn’t live in america still? When Vordrak was interviewed by Godwinson, he claimed that josh was lying about the serbia shit and was somewhere in the NYC region? (Fyi vordrak didn’t actually explain how he knew this or show evidence but tbf neither has josh shown any evidence hes in Serbia).
I have no clue why Josh would make up a story bitching about Serbian chads waking him up from his NEET nap if he still lived in America, anyway ask @Vex