It turns out the lad I mentioned in my reply to the RamboRaph4life OP is far more interesting than RamboRaph4life aka Matt Roehler, James caught my eye when I saw his comment on a ramboraoh4life video where James Hogan was seething over RamboRaph4life had sold out, now at first glance, this may appear to be typical grievance posting yet James elaborated and explained he took issue with the fact Rambo had not reviewed Chapter 27 Now this coupled with his odd speech pattern and random utterances got me curious.
And it so happens this fellow James Hogan already has a few Wikis based on his antics made by apparent trolls or at least according to James Hogan.

HIs Site: ( + ( + (WayBack)

facebook: ( + (
WebCache: (
Wiki 1 ( + (WayBack)
Wiki 2 (
WebCache: (
Ok there is a backup channel ( + (WayBack)
it says the channel is run by hank hill who appears as a friend on his Facebook, (

in the contacts he has a Youtube. (
James made a video about him owning people on Twitter:
followed by a video about having his Twitter deleted, luckily there are archives:*/*
James is streaming again, his speech patterns are uhhhh quite unique to say the least. ( + (WayBack)
And it so happens this fellow James Hogan already has a few Wikis based on his antics made by apparent trolls or at least according to James Hogan.
As I wrote this his Youtube channel was nuked, I didn't get to archive it could've been the trolls he mentioned.James Hogan (born January 2, 1989) is a Canadian singer and front man for the band The Bedbugs (band), he is apart of the song writing team Hogan-Levesque with Sierra Levesque.
Hogan was born in Kingston, Ontario but was raised in Pembroke, Ontario, he became a fan of music as a teenager. He liked Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit as a teen and then got into John Lennon and The Beatles as an adult, he also likes Selena Quintanilla, Our Lady Peace (another Canadian band), Kurt Cobain, Johnny Cash and Metallica. Hogan's also a fan of WWE and likes The Undertaker, Kane, Owen Hart and Bret Hart.
Hogan went to a Beatles tribute concert on March 30, 2019 and met Sierra Levesque, they formed Bedbugs with Jake Lariviere, Shelton Buelow, Shad Strother became their manager and Josh Demers became their producer. Hogan has a sister named Kaity and half sister named Brittany, he has a nephew named Eli and a niece named Alana. Hogan is a virgin and never kissed a girl, he's autistic and bi polar, he's been called the 'John Lennon of his generation.'
Picrob (RobbieP2 Vlogs) is jealous of Hogan.

HIs Site: ( + ( + (WayBack)

facebook: ( + (

WebCache: (
Wiki 1 ( + (WayBack)
Wiki 2 (
WebCache: (
Ok there is a backup channel ( + (WayBack)
it says the channel is run by hank hill who appears as a friend on his Facebook, (

in the contacts he has a Youtube. (
James made a video about him owning people on Twitter:
followed by a video about having his Twitter deleted, luckily there are archives:*/*
James is streaming again, his speech patterns are uhhhh quite unique to say the least. ( + (WayBack)