This is Richard, a detransitioner in the UK:
Richard wrote this new piece on his Substack titled "Ruined", about trying to put his life back together was a detransitioner. He describes, in an embarrassingly detailed manner, his issues with incontinence after SRS, his nightmares where he's screaming at himself not to go in for transition. He and I communicated for a bit, he invited me to DM him on Discord but I fucking hate Discord (tried it briefly during the Pandemic and didn't like it) so I didn't follow him there. I wish I could talk to him about this but I literally don't know what to say. Other than that despite it all I am struck by his eloquence and the rawness of the descriptions of his despair:
I read part like this and wonder to myself, will someone like ContraPoints, who has the blood of a million pediatric transitions on his hands, will Nyk ever start to experience the consequences of his transition in this way? Or does the fact that he's a Youtube millionaire mean that he gets to buy his way around all these medical issues?
When Ritchard said that he had detransitioned after reading KiwiFarms, and especially when he said that he liked what I was posting in the ContraPoints thread, I felt so proud, I really felt like my posts on KF had made a difference and I myself had somehow in a small way contributed towards making a positive change in someone's life. But when I read the above I feel responsible for what's happening to him, even though I know none of it is my fault. I just want Richard to do well & be well.