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Public Scenes & Meltdowns on Social Media Horse & Pony Shows on Social Media

Making an ass out of yourself on Social media
The was one of my favourite threads to dig through to find fruitcakes to dox. The thread on KF is full of newfags shitting it up with their post-ironic discussions

One of my hobbies is going through discords looking for the selfies channels. You'd be amazed how many of these people link their socials in their shitcord bios.
I thought i was the only one here that does this. I also take note of members who might be retarded later and make edits of their selfies. It's a fun hobby.
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Here’s what I don’t understand when I was in high school I was on the swim team. And when the girls were changing from clothes to bathing suits, and vice versa, some of them went into the stalls in the girls locker room to change sometimes my fellow teammates would change clothes, but they would have a towel over them and take their underwear off and then put the bathing suit on. Thompson, or the transgender woman swimmer person just decided to take all their clothes off and exposing their penis. Maybe they did that in the boys locker room but I swear to God the women in the women’s locker room don’t really like to bear it all unless they’re close to their locker and it takes five minutes to change.
It was very rude of them to do so
This is Richard, a detransitioner in the UK:

Richard wrote this new piece on his Substack titled "Ruined", about trying to put his life back together was a detransitioner. He describes, in an embarrassingly detailed manner, his issues with incontinence after SRS, his nightmares where he's screaming at himself not to go in for transition. He and I communicated for a bit, he invited me to DM him on Discord but I fucking hate Discord (tried it briefly during the Pandemic and didn't like it) so I didn't follow him there. I wish I could talk to him about this but I literally don't know what to say. Other than that despite it all I am struck by his eloquence and the rawness of the descriptions of his despair:

Stepping into the shower, I begin scrubbing my face. My fingertips scan over patches of facial hair, beneath the lip, nose, and some on the chin and cheek, as if I was reading a brail message encoded on my face. It’s been a few days since I’ve shaved those random areas, which got worse when I took testosterone in 2022. The sheer volume of facial hair removal sessions, electrolysis and laser, means that it won’t grow back properly, at least not for now. Turning off the shower, I wrap the towel around my body, hiding the breasts and lack of male genitalia as I walk back towards my room. Navigating disorganised drawers, I catch a glimpse of my naked body from the large cupboard mirror. It’s curvy in a way that it shouldn’t be, and not quite in proportion either, like a crushed hourglass. My eyes scan downwards, and as soon as they meet my lower torso, the examination stops. It’s too early in the morning to think about this shit.

In the kitchen, I’ve carved out a little office space, where I’ve worked solidly at home for the last three years. Lockdown was a nightmare, I know, but not for me. I get so much more done working in my own space, away from the noise and bright lights of the office. After an hour of going through my morning work routine, I’m pulled out of focus by a sharp sting, which normally happens after sitting down for an hour or so. It’s my pelvic region. It’s worse than usual, some days are better than others, but today is one of the bad ones.

Normally the warmth of the shower in the morning, is enough to relax the urethral passage, making using the toilet a little bit easier, but again, not today. I’ve been sitting on the toilet for about five minutes, and nothing is coming out, though not for the lack of trying. I begin psyching myself up, almost preparing the muscles to open, knowing that the final push will sting a bit.

A dribble begins. Okay, we’re in business. Do the pelvic exercises like the nurse told you and relax your bottom half, whilst slowly breathing outwards. The tiny stream slightly increases in velocity, allowing for a short-lived burst to emerge, before turning itself off like a tap. Inpatient at the sudden stoppage, I forcibly press the muscles trying to squeeze out the final drops, but that too isn’t enough. It still hasn’t stopped though, it’s just coming slowly. Again, as I was taught, I began rocking back and forth, side to side, attempting to empty any lingering urine. I’m confident enough to stand up, whilst holding some toilet tissue on the area, knowing more dribble will occur.

Upon returning to my desk, only thirty minutes pass before the sensation of a full bladder hits me again, and I go back and repeat the routine. By mid-day, I’ve done this several times, and no matter how careful I am, the dribble never seems to end and my underwear needs changing already.

I read part like this and wonder to myself, will someone like ContraPoints, who has the blood of a million pediatric transitions on his hands, will Nyk ever start to experience the consequences of his transition in this way? Or does the fact that he's a Youtube millionaire mean that he gets to buy his way around all these medical issues?

Wherever I go, I have to think about the limitations, that really, no one my age who was healthy, should ever be thinking about. The level of medical care required to sustain my ongoing issues is nothing short of geriatric. All the physical issues aside, they all pale in comparison to the angst, betrayal and grief I hold for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit and wallow in misery all day every day, that’s boring and tiring. Trans-age is valid because I feel a thousand fucking years old.

By around 11:00 pm, I still couldn’t focus, so I began chatting to others like me, others who went through transition, some happy in it, some not. Those the most harmed by this, who are resigned to ruin and regret; I’d never dream of lying to them, to tell them it’ll get better. It won’t, this is forever. Our challenge is not temporary, it’s permanent, and that permeance was lost on us in the haze of transition.

When Ritchard said that he had detransitioned after reading KiwiFarms, and especially when he said that he liked what I was posting in the ContraPoints thread, I felt so proud, I really felt like my posts on KF had made a difference and I myself had somehow in a small way contributed towards making a positive change in someone's life. But when I read the above I feel responsible for what's happening to him, even though I know none of it is my fault. I just want Richard to do well & be well.
This is Richard, a detransitioner in the UK:

Richard wrote this new piece on his Substack titled "Ruined", about trying to put his life back together was a detransitioner. He describes, in an embarrassingly detailed manner, his issues with incontinence after SRS, his nightmares where he's screaming at himself not to go in for transition. He and I communicated for a bit, he invited me to DM him on Discord but I fucking hate Discord (tried it briefly during the Pandemic and didn't like it) so I didn't follow him there. I wish I could talk to him about this but I literally don't know what to say. Other than that despite it all I am struck by his eloquence and the rawness of the descriptions of his despair:

I read part like this and wonder to myself, will someone like ContraPoints, who has the blood of a million pediatric transitions on his hands, will Nyk ever start to experience the consequences of his transition in this way? Or does the fact that he's a Youtube millionaire mean that he gets to buy his way around all these medical issues?

When Ritchard said that he had detransitioned after reading KiwiFarms, and especially when he said that he liked what I was posting in the ContraPoints thread, I felt so proud, I really felt like my posts on KF had made a difference and I myself had somehow in a small way contributed towards making a positive change in someone's life. But when I read the above I feel responsible for what's happening to him, even though I know none of it is my fault. I just want Richard to do well & be well.
I feel bad for the ones tricked into this eugenics movement hidden by virtue signals.
I've been watching Blaire White on Youtube for 5 years since that April 2017 debate with Nyk/ContraPoints and I don't think I've ever seen Blaire this upset in a video. This is genuine anger and pain at the injustice suffered by Jazz Jennings before the eyes of a world so delusional and indifferent that they can't see this for what it is: child abuse.

I remember finding that video clip of Jazz Jennings going in for the snip and it was scene where Marcy Bowers was taking pictures of Jazz's crotch prior to the surgery. Bowers, while taking the pictures, tells Jazz: "You look like a pornstar!" while smiling in an almost sadistic way. That remark was meant as a compliment or something, but to me it was such an utterly fucked up thing to say to a patient, and such a blatant breach of medical ethics, that I immediately shared that video segment in the Jazz Jennings thread on KF. I don't think I've ever gotten more upvotes on a KF post as I did for that post.
Spot the cis female:


I immediately wondered, "Is she a ContraPoints fangirl?" but no, she's actually on Oliver (PhilosophyTube)'s team and is very BreadTube-adjacent with her Brewis (Hbomber) association:


LMAO, just as Hollywood realized that "get woke, go broke", this stupid handmaiden decided to jump on the "TRA in entertainment" bandwagon.

Oh, OK, she likes troons so much because she's a pornsick cis woman who calls herself kweer for having female gynandromorphophilia, meaning she wants to bang troons and be transbians with them:

Sorry, but no, they could have lost Doctor Who episodes every title of anime ,all of Disney(including song of the South )collection, the last works of William Shakespeare, or any other lost written text or media. and I still wouldn’t pay that.

You can pay $300 and their media collection could be crap. You can end your membership.
If you check out their comment section, some people are saying that they can’t afford to pay $300 for lifetime membership. It was like 17 comments.


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Sorry, but no, they could have lost Doctor Who episodes every title of anime ,all of Disney(including song of the South )collection, the last works of William Shakespeare, or any other lost written text or media. and I still wouldn’t pay that.

You can pay $300 and their media collection could be crap. You can end your membership.
If you check out their comment section, some people are saying that they can’t afford to pay $300 for lifetime membership. It was like 17 comments.
I just use pirate sites and watch everything free.
Always rely on VICE News to take an issue and make it all about troons again. Lebanon is the country from which Hezbollah is launching bombs into Israel to help Hamas, it's another Islamist country that no one who is LGBT wants to spend even a moment in, just as claim to be "Queers for Palestine":

Lebanon is a failing state. It’s running out of nearly everything. Trans people have a unique problem: They’re out of hormones. Alyza Enriquez examines the struggles of getting healthcare and the myth that Lebanon is a safe haven for refugees.

Oh no, Lebanon is on the brink of war with Israel but OMG they won't let troons poison themselves with the wrong hormones!

The fact that the whole country and economy is in ruins doesn't matter. What really matters is whether Lebanese troons can get their titty-skittles. Troons gonna have to look extra feminine to avoid getting draftedas men when that happens. Fortunately for them, there is the NGO Industrial Aid Complex working to dump them onto Western countries who will happily poison them with the wrong hormones.

One of the things I like about following the war in Israel: NO TROONS! Troons inserted themselves into the Ukraine conflict with that Sarah Ashton sociopath, but troons wouldn't dare show their faces in Ghaza. Since they couldn't find troons in Ghaza, VICE News sought them in Lebanon instead to satisfy their trannie chasing GAMP fetish.

Go to the VICE News channel on Youtube and count their last 12 items: half are about troons. VICE just lost Jezebel to the gurldiq and apparently they want to do the same with their main channel:


Now look at their most viewed items amongst these 12: the cryptoqueen one got almost half a million views, the one about Taiwan got 227k views and the one about Biden and Israel got 76k views. What does that tell you? People don't want to hear about troons! People want to see items about money, China/Taiwan and the wars. But instead of playing to the audience, VICE News is giving them more troons, just running their company and associated companies into the ground.
David Velasco went woke, forced his magazine Artforum to go woke & now he's getting censored himself LMAO!

SJW TRAs who advocated for censorship & cancel culture witchhunts for years are always so shocked when they finally get a taste of their own medicine:

David Velasco in particular can go fuck himself, because he was the one who turned Artforum - THE leading art magazine in the world that has the power to make and break careers and institutions in the art world - into a platform for the woke cult, as evidenced by Velasco going out of his way to kickstart the career of this, otherwise completely irrelevant and forgotten, utterly talentless troon:

Artforum editor in chief David Velasco interviews writer and cover artist hannah baer about the origins of her AI-generated 2023 image nude deepfake, which appears on the cover of Artforum’s Summer issue. Together, they discuss the politics of trans visibility, the distinction between self-enhancement and self-transcendence, and the utopian possibilities unlocked in nightlife.

hannah baer is a writer based in New York. She is the author of the memoir Trans Girl Suicide Museum.

Here's a couple of reviews of Trans Girl Suicide Museum:

this book was pretty enjoyable, but i think my main issue is that due to baer writing most of this on ketamine, it comes out as incomprehensible garble
i did enjoy her insights as a trans individual, especially since i won’t be able to relate, and i loved peering into her mind. but this book was a tad too “stream-of-consciousness” for me to love. some parts were a slog to read, which saddens me because i was really excited to read this :(
i will say though that this book had some beautiful quotes & ideas, it’s just so insane. like i know the whole point is that it’s about baer’s trans experience and that experience is intertwined with ketamine but my god did this need proof reading & editing at a lot of points


not any good from a literary perspective, which she very self-consciously acknowledges within the text. it is in general unbearably self-conscious yet self-obsessed, endless rambling observations that to a transsexual of many years do not seem so fascinating. but everybody thinks they're a genus early transition. neurotic scatterbrained blog posts cobbled into a book. that it had no writerly distance from it's subject prevented it from being a compelling depiction of the time of her life she's describing, or any of the personal flaws she obsesses over in the book; if baer had sat on these diary entries for a few years or more, maybe she could have done something with them like elif batumans "the idiot" or imogine binnies "nevada". i read the book because i read a smart review by her, so she can actually write and maybe she will eventually do something like that. i hope at least some of the early transition people who read it think she is as cool as she does and this book is helpful to them in the way she virtuously professes the intention that it might be

This is how fucking bottom of the barrel low the threshold for troon art is nowadays. Women had to prove they could go toe-to-toe with the boys artistically before they were allowed to have art careers. Not if you're a fake woman! The only thing this troon did that earned him an Artforum cover is AI-generate a blurry picture of himself with a pussy instead of a dick. That's literally it. This art, which the troon didn't even create himself, immediately went on the cover of Artforum to virtue-signal their allegiance to TRAs. Yeah, pretty much fuck Artforum and David Velasco too. Hope the gurldiq was worth it!
David Velasco went woke, forced his magazine Artforum to go woke & now he's getting censored himself LMAO!

SJW TRAs who advocated for censorship & cancel culture witchhunts for years are always so shocked when they finally get a taste of their own medicine:

David Velasco in particular can go fuck himself, because he was the one who turned Artforum - THE leading art magazine in the world that has the power to make and break careers and institutions in the art world - into a platform for the woke cult, as evidenced by Velasco going out of his way to kickstart the career of this, otherwise completely irrelevant and forgotten, utterly talentless troon:

Here's a couple of reviews of Trans Girl Suicide Museum:

This is how fucking bottom of the barrel low the threshold for troon art is nowadays. Women had to prove they could go toe-to-toe with the boys artistically before they were allowed to have art careers. Not if you're a fake woman! The only thing this troon did that earned him an Artforum cover is AI-generate a blurry picture of himself with a pussy instead of a dick. That's literally it. This art, which the troon didn't even create himself, immediately went on the cover of Artforum to virtue-signal their allegiance to TRAs. Yeah, pretty much fuck Artforum and David Velasco too. Hope the gurldiq was worth it!
I would like to also remind the audience that photoshopping women in pictures of magazines was a big no-no for years.
David Velasco went woke, forced his magazine Artforum to go woke & now he's getting censored himself LMAO!

SJW TRAs who advocated for censorship & cancel culture witchhunts for years are always so shocked when they finally get a taste of their own medicine:

David Velasco in particular can go fuck himself, because he was the one who turned Artforum - THE leading art magazine in the world that has the power to make and break careers and institutions in the art world - into a platform for the woke cult, as evidenced by Velasco going out of his way to kickstart the career of this, otherwise completely irrelevant and forgotten, utterly talentless troon [Hannah Baer]

This is how fucking bottom of the barrel low the threshold for troon art is nowadays. Women had to prove they could go toe-to-toe with the boys artistically before they were allowed to have art careers. Not if you're a fake woman! The only thing this troon did that earned him an Artforum cover is AI-generate a blurry picture of himself with a pussy instead of a dick. That's literally it. This art, which the troon didn't even create himself, immediately went on the cover of Artforum to virtue-signal their allegiance to TRAs. Yeah, pretty much fuck Artforum and David Velasco too. Hope the gurldiq was worth it!
The tranny doesn't even capitalize his name right for some reason, and his stunning and brave magazine cover looks like somebody's instagram mirror selfie. This is evidence for society's decline.