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Homeboy Edwin vs Colonel Kurtz: "The Beef is ON!"

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
An Onion Among Onions
Youtuber Homeboy Edwin (pka Edwins Generation) posted this video saying he will devote a series of videos to Youtuber Colonel Kurtz' misrepresentation of the accusations against Marilyn Manson and the evidence in his legal cases following allegations of sexual abuse:

Calling Out Marilyn Manson's Attack Dog​

Edwin is asking for feedback on what to address, so here is something he can start with, as this IMO is one of the most glaring examples of Kurtz and the other pro-Manson accounts on social media running interference online, seemingly on Manson's behalf if not at his behest (again, I don't know if they did, but I do think this is worth examining closer):

- Edwin should think about addressing the fact that Kurtz & Co (all of the other pro-Manson accounts on social media) deliberately leaked and spread around the unredacted legal documents in Evan Rachel Wood's custody battle with her ex-husband (this was a separate custody case she was in, before the Manson scandal broke), because they wanted to doxx her as an implicit threat.

Leaked Documents Examined in the Manson v. Wood/Gore case!

Those unredacted legal documents, which I myself downloaded at the time but chose not to share on KF for ethical reasons, not only contained unredacted pictures of ERW's child, her house and herself, they also contained EVR's full address in Nashville, TN as well as the school of her child. I myself had downloaded those unredacted documents back when Kurtz & Co were retweeting them all over Twitter, and I recall posting about this leak in the Marilyn Manson thread on KF at the time, specifically mentioning that I couldn't just cross-post the doxx on KF because they contained pictures of ERW's child as well as his school, which is against KF forum rules.

- The inadvertent doxxing of ERW's home address and the pictures of her child through the leaking of those legal documents is what subsequently led to both ERW and Manson filing motions to have the proceedings in Manson's civil defamation case against ERW sealed, which were granted.

- Kurtz never addressed the fact that the sealing of the defamation proceedings was essentially the result of the pro-Manson camp leaking unredacted legal documents online. The question to this day remains: were Kurtz & Co perhaps instructed by Manson or Usich to create a situation online that could be used as grounds for the motions to seal? Perhaps because Manson himself wanted to seal (part of) the proceedings, thinking it would help this case if the public couldn't see the full scope of the case?

- Alternately, perhaps it was Manson/Usich who told them to leak the unredacted documents online as an implicit threat to ERW? Recall here that Manson continuously denied ever threatening ERW, despite ERW insisting he had threatened to kill her multiple times over the course of their relationship as well as thereafter. ERW said that whenever Manson subjected her to domestic violence she felt like he was going to end up killing her. ERW testified that even after she broke up with Manson she continued to fear for her life. So I have to wonder if Kurtz & Co leaked the unredacted legal doxx so that Manson himself would have plausible deniability ("Hey, I didn't leak anything, it's my crazy fans online that I have no control over who did it! In fact, here's my motion to seal because my privacy is now violated too!") but ERW would still get the message (literally, "We Know Where You Fucking Live").

I don't know if Edwin will ever read this, but I still have copies of the unredacted legal docs that were leaked by Kurtz & Co, and I can show everyone here on OF the parts therein with ERW's address, the pictures of her child, etc. It goes without saying that I will only post redacted screenshots and not doxx the whole thing wholesale like Kurtz & Co did.

I always suspected that Kurtz and the pro-Manson camp wanted to weaponize the Manson thread in favour of Manson, but KF was fortunately very indifferent to Manson.

As for the topic of Manson being niche, of course it's niche because rocknroll is no longer a mainstream music genre. Zoomers only listen to synthy shit for the most part, rock music is too aggressive for them, so metal has gone the way of jazz. It's become a connoisseur's genre, in other words. Manson's new album, One Assassination Under God - Chapter 1 sounds retro and nostalgic (with post-rock/new wave themed songs such as "Meet Me In Purgatory", my personal favourite) because Manson at this point is not even trying to appeal to zoomers but to his old Gen X/Millennial audiences.