• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Fredrick Brennan / copypaste / Hotwheels / ctrlctrlv / chad thunderwheels

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
The fact he banged that girl as a cripple should give all incels hope also title needs to be updated to include his new name cripplekike also optionally thread should updated to include his shitty failed podcast
That was the worst thing that happened to him tho, he both lost any chance of coming into his own wizard powers, as well as earning the lifelong wrath, curses and hexes of all the fully potent True Wizards
Goddamn, I love the feuds that spring from these types. Only the type of "0 - hiring hitmen and bounty hunters at first slight offense " self-defeating insanity only the realest of alphaspergs can bring
That was the worst thing that happened to him tho, he both lost any chance of coming into his own wizard powers, as well as earning the lifelong wrath, curses and hexes of all the fully potent True Wizards

Goddamn, I love the feuds that spring from these types. Only the type of "0 - hiring hitmen and bounty hunters at first slight offense " self-defeating insanity only the realest of alphaspergs can bring
The first cripple Jewish Kike in America. lol
Here's a Brennan tweet I found today that I had apparently forgotten to post:

"I try to help a lot of people because there will be a time I need to be followed around by unpaid interns"


He wants trannies to be his caretakers when he gets old. What a smart retirement plan!
He still doesn't understand that they troon out because they want others to fuss over them and take care of them.
Troons don't want to do the caring themselves. They want to be the care receiver.
Besides, troons get early onset dementia from the estrogen causing literal fucking holes in their brain matter :

Good luck trying to convince a bunch of troons with dementia to take care of you in your old age.
Better in the bed with Fred: Trollcow says she would rather have sex with Hotwheels? 🤨


But then again, she claims she has never had sex before...

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup Apr 16
Replying to @Dadmenco and @FlamencoTV_YT
I’ve never had sex, I believe sex is the reason society is not as efficient as it should be as well as shallow. Sex makes people stupid, and fixated on low intellect bs.

Elaine, you don't have to have the same boring, shallow, inefficient (?) sex that everyone else is having that brings society down. You can have high IQ errudite intellectual brain sex and learn something new to stimulate your higher intellect. Use your imagination, Elaine. How are you going to please (or be pleased) by that blackpilled hacker boyfriend in a wheelchair who totally understands you?
Better in the bed with Fred: Trollcow says she would rather have sex with Hotwheels? 🤨

View attachment 32858

But then again, she claims she has never had sex before...

Elaine, you don't have to have the same boring, shallow, inefficient (?) sex that everyone else is having that brings society down. You can have high IQ errudite intellectual brain sex and learn something new to stimulate your higher intellect. Use your imagination, Elaine. How are you going to please (or be pleased) by that blackpilled hacker boyfriend in a wheelchair who totally understands you?
With his tongue.
Better in the bed with Fred: Trollcow says she would rather have sex with Hotwheels? 🤨

View attachment 32858

But then again, she claims she has never had sex before...

Elaine, you don't have to have the same boring, shallow, inefficient (?) sex that everyone else is having that brings society down. You can have high IQ errudite intellectual brain sex and learn something new to stimulate your higher intellect. Use your imagination, Elaine. How are you going to please (or be pleased) by that blackpilled hacker boyfriend in a wheelchair who totally understands you?
While Elaine's holding out for the Jimwalker Industries' flagship model KillAllPedos designed, AI boosted, DaddyGym RoboWaifu Realdoll, there's no shame in settling for
With his tongue.
The less dynamic, but still quite fulfilling, Jimwalker Industries, In Association With Watkins Industrial, Handheld Hotwheels Pleasure Plushie
someone needs to push hotwheels out of his wheel chair i hope the ruskie kuz does it or gold ole jimmy watkins that would be very funny seeth freddit
So, I don't know if this was discussed before, but apparently hotwheels bought 420chan.org

Oh, yeah, because having a self-proclaimed "leader" who's clearly high on illegal drugs is just the perfect recipe for success! I mean, who wouldn't trust someone like that to make 420Chan the pinnacle of internet excellence with their magical abilities? It's bound to be a wild ride!