Elaine is upset. She doesn't like people (women real and pretend) making fun of the way she looks. Not that she's ever mocked people for their looks... And she hasn't clocked onto the fact it's mostly women doing it.
Elaine has become addicted to codeine. That's why she hasn't streamed, she just needs to get right. That's such a lower class addiction.
You (or more likely your parent) double lock your doors at night because you live in London. Much more likely some jig would be trying to break into your parents house, and steal the stuff your parent bought.
When she's rushing on her run... and she feels just like Jesus son... and she guess she just don't know...
The vicious cycle of addiction. Gots to exercise to produce that health dopamine. Can't lie in bed all day, gauching out.
TBF Elaine looks like a boy. I mean, no T and/or A. Just straight up and down. Real (het) man wants something to hold onto in the night. Guess as she only attracts homos and nonces, she good.
Elaine is changing the narrative again. This doesn't really make much sense.
Soooooo... You are admitting to releasing the porn yourself (which is what everyone else has been saying)? Man... the smack really be fucken wid her brain right now.
Trust fund baby take over? You've admitted you are too lazy, I mean strung out, I mean poorly to even fucking stream. It takes three generations to gain and lose wealth. Elaine is the generation after that. Her dad has made some shitty business decisions, it's going tits up, that's why Elaine has resorted to opiate addiction to cope.
Elaine goes "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I then?
Imagine what she'll be like if she makes it to 30. Although pressing X on that outcome. The abuse her body has suffered from her self inflicted addictions (well, guess the parents have to shoulder some of the blame), she'll prolly top herself or OD in a couple of years.
Of course there is murdered by pimp, I should mention that.