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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Elaine needs random people to do basic shit like find that video. Why not just ask Mike or capo who watched nicks tranny porn

also 500 quid for headphones?

you just love to waste money don't you?

I bet she doesn't even hangout with her old associates anymore .

this where you're gonna meet gws for your rendezvous that wont happen again?
Daily "Elaine being a spaz and getting wound up by obvz trolls" update:
You don't have money, nor Plodwinson. Your PARENTS do.
Again, not that rich, and examples of this "hard work".
Timmy Hilnigger? No class. Or taste.
Elaine admitted that the dildo vid was real, at least.

So, AnusCabbage's sloppy seconds (just remember that Adam) gets trolled by an Orge and his wife, and shows she's a Lerd.
Daily "Elaine being a spaz and getting wound up by obvz trolls" update:
You don't have money, nor Plodwinson. Your PARENTS do.
Again, not that rich, and examples of this "hard work".
Timmy Hilnigger? No class. Or taste.
Elaine admitted that the dildo vid was real, at least.

So, AnusCabbage's sloppy seconds (just remember that Adam) gets trolled by an Orge and his wife, and shows she's a Lerd.
Elaine keeps giving herself too much credit. On top of that, she's got a fat bitch mentality on a skinny body. Guarantee if she didn't have a "health condition" and drugs she'd be gaining weight faster than she runs her mouth online.

the obvious happened. (it was pretty civil for about 10 mins)

you know shes proud of it when she replies and retweets it
she made this btw

someone generated this tall tale of our forbidden love
Their conversations soon transcended their digital divide, delving into matters of the heart and the very essence of their beings. With each revelation, they unraveled the complexities that had driven them apart. Opposites attract, they say, and so it was with Elaine and Empressa.

Fearing societal backlash and unable to comprehend the depth of their feelings, they kept their newfound love hidden from the world. They became star-crossed lovers, united by passion but torn apart by circumstance. The very platforms that had brought them together now became a cruel reminder of the barriers that stood between them.

In the depths of their love, they found solace in stolen moments, fleeting whispers shared under virtual moonlight. They reveled in the forbidden love that defied all reason, intoxicated by the sweet elixir of romance and rebellion.

But as the story of Empressa and Elaine unraveled, it seemed that fate was determined to follow the footsteps of its tragic predecessors. The stakes escalated, their identities were uncovered, and their love exposed to the harsh light of the digital world.

In a climax of heart-wrenching choices, they were forced to decide between their passion and their safety. Despite the consequences, they embraced their love, choosing to stand together against the world's judgment, ready to face whatever fate had in store for them.

And so, Empressa and Elaine's tale of love and discord resonated through the virtual ether, a modern-day Romeo and Juliet, bound by love, torn by circumstance, and eternally entwined in the annals of digital history.

Literally anyone can sign up an email for any account name that is available . She's such a goof.

that'll show me lainey

didn't even make it that far lol


we actually don't chat in private anymore . its just better this way.
anyways she was mad for a while

nothing new occured more threats from a girl who waits for others to do what she wants..

theres a lot more here to unpack but idc that much tbh .


Elaine keeps giving herself too much credit. On top of that, she's got a fat bitch mentality on a skinny body. Guarantee if she didn't have a "health condition" and drugs she'd be gaining weight faster than she runs her mouth online.
She is gaining weight. I think she only eats Cheesy Poofs and McNuggets, which does eventually catch up with a bitch. Once she's fat, it's gonna be all about her personality, so good luck with that.


She has threatened other women with the release of nudes on this website, among others. This particular point of hypocrisy really can't stand. She actively promotes sexual exploitation, her only condition is that it star women she doesn't like.

That's the opposite of a "moral" Elaine.
It wasn't obvious before?
Not necessarily. Didn't make the connection before going through her lolcow thread, only quickly skimmed over the farms thread when she was advertised on the ranch, and by that information she could have simply been a random attention deprived chav girl looking for recognition in an easily accessible circle filled with simps with very low standards.
Wait, this is the proof Ero I tried to look at the account on Twitter I think it’s suspended and two based on these tweets it seems like Empresa wanted a more serious relationship talk about feelings deeply. And the girl just I think just wanted to have a friend and she didn’t wanna have like such a serious load of feelings toward them. for the obvious reason of age gap.
I know social media by TV and movies has better scenes. But this is the best I can find.
In conclusion, sometimes, depending on their personality, women are drawn to overly sensitive and emotional men. But at the same time, women, certain personalities a overly sensitive and emotional man, they don’t want that. at least this is what I’m getting with the tweets. Sorry Empresa I don’t mean to be rude.
Now about the grooming and sexual nature, I don’t see that unless I’m reading between the lines wrong.
It is abundantly clear with all these lies and misdirection that Elaine wishes Empresa had groomed her instead of Ero.
There's also never been any evidence that Ero, whoever they are, was actually 17. So Elaine might just be giving up too early, she can still get groomed if she works at it.
Keep going my lil lolcow.
Anything else you want to bring up?
Also these are the boots I bought. I'm sorry your so working class you can't recognize Philipp Plein when you see them.

Carve my username on your thighs and post pics to Onionfarms as proof

I won't do anything for you in return. Maybe laugh at your expense; that's what you want, isn't it?
User posts IP grabbing links and other skiddie garbage.
Carve my username on your thighs and post pics to Onionfarms as proof

I won't do anything for you in return. Maybe laugh at your expense; that's what you want, isn't it?
Sure here you go. Let me know what you think it was hard getting your entire name on my legs.

Why are you so fucking obsessed with me you chomo. Since this site seems so important to you I'm sure you won't mind me "testing" it's cyber security set up. :devilish:
Reason: Ip grabber link
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