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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Elaine pls I want to FUCK you. I literally want to put my penis in your vagoo
Here's the text brick that prompted the "break up".
She's back to the "my ex leaked me noodz aged 15" bit again. She said she couldn't talk about it. However, having admitted she's been lying about the "cutting video", she's probably had to bring it back, in an attempt to garner sympathy. Because everyone is just TOO STUPID to work out she's been lying about everything from the start.
I’m not sure what the official relationship was either
At best Elaine was only ever potential Beard. ANd now she doesn't even have that. Such a drag... being a hag.
Here's the text brick that prompted the "break up".
View attachment 37604
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View attachment 37606
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View attachment 37608
She's back to the "my ex leaked me noodz aged 15" bit again. She said she couldn't talk about it. However, having admitted she's been lying about the "cutting video", she's probably had to bring it back, in an attempt to garner sympathy. Because everyone is just TOO STUPID to work out she's been lying about everything from the start.

At best Elaine was only ever potential Beard. ANd now she doesn't even have that. Such a drag... being a hag.
I wonder why she deleted such a well written essay.
'Shipping is a form of mental illness...
Talking of which
These two numpties have not clocked the connection between PPP and Plodwinson's "admiration" for him. What do Jahans, Gunt and PPP all have in common. And it's not all three of them having bigger norks than Elaine. Although that is true.

And MayaC actually having a conv with someone who isn't one of their socks (which is basically what Metocuck.us is about, one long psychotic episode).

Only retards thought it was Ketamine, btw.

Also: Plodwinson is the nearly triple threat... he can nearly sing, nearly dance and nearly act. And his best period was when he did stuff IRL.
Elaine is checking her thread....

She's gone from Pompey to Plymouth. Wishes she had a pic of my dick (will never happen). Wishes I was into Loli. Wishes I was on discord. Evelyn AF. I guess she's feeling insecure about Plodwinson triflin' with her "affections".

And some more fuckwittery:

For people who mention her eating disorder: She's got a gimpy spine. Gots to be inbreeding.