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We still don't know. BlueSpike and Liquid Chris did a really good job photoshopping a porn star's blown out pussy onto Elaine while deepfaking her face onto a tranny who coincidentally has the same alien-like body. I guess we will never truly know...I've been lurking this thread for a while, is this thing a tranny or just a British woman?
I can't tell if this is Elaine and she just gave up on the "I'm not Elaine but she's totally a virgin!" larp or if this is someone baiting and has Elaine's texting style and mid 2000s internet hax0r vocabulary down perfectlyIt's because I rooted your phone you child molester. I have lots more images of you too along with all your text messages and call logs. How about you keep talking about me. I have the public court cases that show your a chomo.
It really is amazing what links sent via burner discord accounts degenerate coomers will click on when they think it's tranny and beastiality porn isn't that right Bryan?