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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.

Instant reply on Twatter to my post here, so we can see two things:
1. Suddenly now it's just "haha I'm just trolling goys", only because she was afraid that I would actually call the FBI on her. Unlike every other time she makes ridiculous claims.
2. She lied barely 12 hours ago about quitting Onion Farms.
Now I will be taking my participation out of this thread for awhile. Because this is all the attention I will give you, whore. Bye.
Wait, so she claims she lives in the northern part of Florida just like Josh used to live
I think she posted that address assuming Josh is currently living there, or someone else she doesn't like.
There's a teensy bit of truth in every lie and that post was entirely bullshit so connecting the dots should be fun. Elaine is a terrible liar, but greyhounds will chase anything that resembles a rabbit.
Her twitter buddy, @ClumsyLulz, unironically claims to have hacked the Pentagon. He's fully doxed, he's a disgusting creep from Georgia (or one of the other shitty southern states) who preys on minors and he's Elaine's new best friend.
Except your livestream ideas. Those die when you flake out and don't produce what you promised.
View attachment 36403

Also, in a rare moment of self deprecating humor, Elaine posts her own eyes <sans alien contact lenses> and labels the wandering orbs the eighth wonder of the world.
View attachment 36404
He'll notice you now for sure, champ.
The AI art is improving slightly. I actually like this one. Sucks that it doesn't resemble her at all. I wonder if this is the persona she thinks she is in her head. How is it that fake redheads always turn out to be the biggest pickmes?
She announces to twitter that she is going to bed 5 30 in the am. Less than an hour later, she demonstrates how lacking in self awareness she is. Just imagine avoiding the sunlight (like a vampire), and staying up all night twitting. Can't be good for your mental health.

Oh and Elaine, the fact that you thought you could get people's medical records with a FOIR. Peawit. Absolute peawit.
Her twitter buddy, @ClumsyLulz, unironically claims to have hacked the Pentagon. He's fully doxed, he's a disgusting creep from Georgia (or one of the other shitty southern states) who preys on minors and he's Elaine's new best friend.
What happened to Vordrak being her bestie?