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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.

ILJ DINDU NUFFIN!!! Y'know, apart from all the documented stuff... Funny how Elaine is simpin' for her. Of all the people. She'll do a Devon Tracy and say Foxy Knoxy is innocent probably.
1. Banned. Not left. Also banned from Metocuck. You cannot play nice with the other kids.
2. Everyone can see your "side" Elaine. You have a personality disorder, it makes you lie compulsively about stuff.
If Simon Miller wasn't your father then how would you be in contact with him to get instant reports on what your trolls send him? Take the L and stop posting, coping, and seething about having your dox and bits on the internet.
Because you dumb cunt Simon forwards Elaine all the emails you sex pests and chomos send him now so they can go into the lawsuit she is filling against her abusers who made deep faked revenge porn of her.

Also I am not Elaine. You are such a retarded pickme Nenetl beliving obvious bullshit the child molesters like @Empresa who run this site says. I can't wait for Elaine to stream about your little diary where you cried about how your family was mean to you.

Also good job emailing Simon with one of your real names. Sure Elaine won't do anything with that name Bertha Hoover.
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Because you dumb cunt Simon forwards Elaine all the emails you sex pests and chomos send him now so they can go into the lawsuit she is filling against her abusers who made deep faked revenge porn of her.
View attachment 36354
Also I am not Elaine. You are such a retarded pickme Nenetl beliving obvious bullshit the child molesters like @Empresa who run this site says. I can't wait for Elaine to stream about your little diary where you cried about how your family was mean to you.
View attachment 36355
There are some moments where I can believe you aren't Elaine, but posts like these are pretty damning.

FYI, "Elaine," personal crusades aren't going to keep the attention of the simps and aren't gonna make the paypigs wanna pay. They don't care about catfights even if they're messy. Women drama doesn't appeal to the sektur and sektur-adjacent individuals. The only one in your circle who cares about LCF discourse is you.
1. Banned. Not left. Also banned from Metocuck. You cannot play nice with the other kids.
Every time she comes back the timer starts until she spergs uncontrollably and loses another sock account.

These "kiwi leaks" sound about as true as anything she posts. She's too stupid to verify anything, even using the most basic concepts.

Elaine's data validation algorithm:

1. Is it about Josh?
If yes, post immediately and enter DMs. I mean, JOSH 💓

2. Does it make someone I dislike look bad?
If yes, post immediately and hold a vc/stream to boast

3. Is the response largely people calling me a retarded whore?
If yes, double down and spend multiple days shitting up websites with temper tantrums. Make some reports. Threaten people and maybe swat someone.
Stop trying to faildox users of this site
Every time she comes back the timer starts until she spergs uncontrollably and loses another sock account.

These "kiwi leaks" sound about as true as anything she posts. She's too stupid to verify anything, even using the most basic concepts.

Elaine's data validation algorithm:

1. Is it about Josh?
If yes, post immediately and enter DMs. I mean, JOSH 💓

2. Does it make someone I dislike look bad?
If yes, post immediately and hold a vc/stream to boast

3. Is the response largely people calling me a retarded whore?
If yes, double down and spend multiple days shitting up websites with temper tantrums. Make some reports. Threaten people and maybe swat someone.
Mod edit: Stop trying to faildox users of this site
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Because you dumb cunt Simon forwards Elaine all the emails you sex pests and chomos send him now so they can go into the lawsuit she is filling against her abusers who made deep faked revenge porn of her.
View attachment 36357
Also I am not Elaine. You are such a retarded pickme Nenetl beliving obvious bullshit the child molesters like @Empresa who run this site says. I can't wait for Elaine to stream about your little diary where you cried about how your family was mean to you.
View attachment 36355
Also good job emailing Simon with one of your real names. Sure Elaine won't do anything with that name Bertha Hoover.
Yeah guys this is definitely not Elaine. Why else would she tweet it’s not her?

It’s obviously just a random orbiter with the same exact mannerisms, texting style and temperament!1!!!1!1!! The sperging and immediate triggered name calling gives it away. Also I thought we got past the “deep fake” part. Didn’t you admit your nudes were leaked or are we back to the “it was edited” larp? As if deepfaking your frankenpussy is even possible. But then again, only a skilled le epic computer haxor such as yourself would be able to conjour up some video editing software that uses alien like technology…. Unless it was a different haxor like Jersh or his TOR army. Sigh it must be so hard to be Elaine Gerber Miller
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It’s obviously just a random orbiter with the same exact mannerisms, texting style and temperament!1!!!1!1!!
If you look at the post history of the account, at first you can tell it was likely someone else. Maybe her cowbin buddy? Then it changes into a style that's obviously her using it. She has alluded to sharing accounts with someone to try to sneak into spaces where she would otherwise be weeded out and I think that guy is her guy.

Also I made something which will probably only be funny to people who grew up watching the show.