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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.




mask off

look at this king

tell em lainey

i was in the waiting room vc


look at the sick fucks shes been associating with


typical elaine simp watching some gay shit

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Is it just me or do Elaine's fingers seem to be a little clubbed? The fingertips look sketchy.
Disturbingly gross and detailed comments about Elaine's labia.
View attachment 36568
What a great post I 3322 made and reminder I am not Josh, where I am rightfully am admitting I both have studied the Elaine nudes in great detail (masturbated to them furiously) and spend my days thinking about what prepubescent vaginas look like and assumes everyone else does as well.
The reason why I like Elaine and her nudes so much is because her anorexia makes her look more akin to a 12 year old boy which is my preferred age in victims to sexually assault, and if you don't like that then you are just pornsick.
As someone who has seen a number of vaginas (IRL), Elaine doesn't have a particularly "Western Woman" vagina.
Also, once there was a fag in search of a hag, and a hag in search of a fag...

Again, there is a squit load more. Elaine, go outside, get some fresh air (as fresh as you can in Londonistan) and more importantly get some exercise, start with something low impact, a brisk stroll, produce some of that natural dopamine.
Not to derail but I’ve been following threads of Elaine for a while and only just recently noticed the AI profile pictures. Does she genuinely think that looks good? Are they supposed to resemble her? This is like Chris Chan drawing himself skinny with drastically different colored eyes in his sonichu comics. I don’t know why it took me so long to notice but it’s genuinely super cringe and kinda funny if she uses those unironically.
Didn't she get sick from mold poisoning in her room? In every video and image her mattress is bare with no sheets or cover :sickshit:
Not to derail but I’ve been following threads of Elaine for a while and only just recently noticed the AI profile pictures. Does she genuinely think that looks good? Are they supposed to resemble her? This is like Chris Chan drawing himself skinny with drastically different colored eyes in his sonichu comics. I don’t know why it took me so long to notice but it’s genuinely super cringe and kinda funny if she uses those unironically.
She really is that delusional but what's worse is that she only dyed her hair red because she thought that's what Null would like.
Reason: quote
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Doesn't like Skids or LARPers... I'll just let that one sink in.


Please explain the logic underlying that conclusion.

Also resquitting Gaymo and Bryan Dunnce. Careful you don't get any splinters, from the bottom of the barrel, under your finger nails there, Elainey Inaney.

1. Manson is Ker-ringe. 2. You've admitted to having the mind of a child (ie retarded) as well as a nutter. This is what happens when you don't have a job (or the mental faculties to hold one down) and spend all day (and night) trying to clout chase nobodies.