“My proof of this person’s identity? Ok so 35776 minutes after they made a post, someone got banned / given a pink triangle. The two must be related because I have schizophrenia”
Someone backchats lidl, less than two mins later (this is all in the thread) someone gets a triangle... ergo, lidl has broom hand.
“Anyone who disagrees with us is a Elaine/Godwinson/Josh/Lidl Drip/Dyn/PPP/Gunt/3322 simp”
PETLUTC. Us?And who is disagreeing? Cannot think of one example of "You is an PPPwinson simp". Same for gunt, who gets an easy ride here. js.
“Null called the cops on Kengle because he can’t take criticism *conveniently leave out the part where Kengle stalked and skinwalked Josh for years, funny how I supposedly cut the guys name into me yet he’s not out here having orders out on me. Makes you think, Kengle must have been truly awful.*
E-lame conveniently leaves out the "joshy, I gave you money for goods, I have nor received said goods, I'd like a refund" and the brooms reply of "ARRREEEESSSSSSSSTTTTT HHHHIIIIIIMMMMMMMM!!!!"
Makes you think... Elaine's Dad didn't really do a very good job.
“Anyone who doesn’t disavow the entirety of KF is a pedo”
THis was Elaine's position. Remember?
“Josh is a pedo”
Is tho. So's Elaine. Dyn is a convicted baby rapist.
“It’s ok when we do it”
What? Make fun of speds, point out the useless sockers?
“We aren’t a hug box if our hug box revolves around hating the other one”
THis is Commie Farms. Literally.
She's so shit at this.