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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
She sent some naked pictures to someone claiming to be Joshua Moon. The pictures were leaked and she claims they were fake. That’s the abridged version of it. It was around two years ago.
Okay but like...

Does anybody have it? May I see it?

For research purposes, of course.
Me, waiting for the revenge porn to be posted:

Me, having seen the "revenge porn":
Ofc, she means "I went out of my way to attract the attention of the broom, and have made an arse of myself online, in pursuit of him. tbf she's made an arse of herself, online, independent of her obsession with the faggot nonce (she has a type)
In a way... Chris Chan... yes he did some gross shit. But with Chris... there wasn't a... Evil Dead vibe. Elaine is like some Deadite. Later cannon, the "comedy" ones. Not funny, got moves like spastique, screeching some nonsense. I thought AvsED S3 was a bit of a let down. I think they let the fans ruin it. Tale old as time, eh?
tbf, E-lame did say she wanted to nuke Chinkyville. And you know that joshy luv him dim sum boi. In some seriousness, tho. Now the broom has got lairy with the Let's Jew 'Em Fund, and a Mountain Lawyer, will he be goaded into a lolsuit with Elaine? Saying that he is actively pursuing a course of action, that will (ultimately) lead to Elaine toppin' herself... that could be seen as actionable. This isn't her opinion, m'lud, she is offering here, but an actual assertion, that the broom is proactively taking measures, whether they be public, taunting her with her thread (pay to play feat, btw), or more subtle means. Oppos sliding into DMs, sock puppets shitting it up everywhere. That sort of thing.
Tho, broom is probably broke now, the majority of the money went on Zhen keeping schtum. The rest of it... When's Giro day? The kids don't need an education, they need to help the broom save all the peaches.
E-lame's flex: She has the brooms email...
Lamarr: Didn't invent wi-fi, worked on an idea for "hopping" with George Antheil (an man)... and the idea may have come from a sketch she saw... in the office of her husband (munitions manufacturer)

Pankhurst: Didn't want women like E-lame voting. Had to be married or property owner. She just wanted to prop up the system.

Steinem: Was given Ms (and it's corpo backers) by the CIA, who she thought were just neat.

Potter: What sex offenders list is that, then?

Uuuuuuhhhh. E-lame does simp for terrible manboys, tho. And she's been lurkering again, @in Slatzism on the previous squit. It's all a "bit" remember. She's pretending, see?
E-lame's flex: She has the brooms email...
Lamarr: Didn't invent wi-fi, worked on an idea for "hopping" with George Antheil (an man)... and the idea may have come from a sketch she saw... in the office of her husband (munitions manufacturer)

Pankhurst: Didn't want women like E-lame voting. Had to be married or property owner. She just wanted to prop up the system.

Steinem: Was given Ms (and it's corpo backers) by the CIA, who she thought were just neat.

Potter: What sex offenders list is that, then?

Uuuuuuhhhh. E-lame does simp for terrible manboys, tho. And she's been lurkering again, @in Slatzism on the previous squit. It's all a "bit" remember. She's pretending, see?
This bitch needs to be on bipolar medication IMMEDIATELY