Never change elaine, never change...
I like how she calls @Empresa a pedophile with no proof...gotta hate/love this fucking lunatic ladyYour personality disorder (whatever letters you wanna throw at it) and your OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL IMPAIRMENTS mean that you get banned for shitting up places where anyone posts anything you don't like. Like, with Squitter, you broke TOS, you got banned. You deleted a squit that was "sensitive". THink about that.
Problems with this tack: 1. You shared the pron with a minor. 2. You have released revenge pron. 3. You got banned from Commie Farms. SFW? Notice how you get banned from everywhere? Oh, expection, the site that the teen swatter ran, you never got banned from there. You were really cozy with that guy.
Elaine pulls the "Wuzznt me" move. Hope there isn't any digital foot print contradicting that statement...You chose the filter, you take your chances. ...chances.
Elaine wonders why she gets catfished so much
Gets called out.
Folds. Yeah. She's a narcissist, she's autistic (remember what her Dad said?) But she's only PRETENDING to be retarded.She's been lurking again. Yes. The answer to the question "Did Elaine provide a link to porn to someone who said they were a minor?" is yes. This is the porn she complains about OTHER PEOPLE supposedly sharing. Not Graf the lolinonce, tho. SHe has been remarkably quiet about that. She also said that file had CP, so she was sharing CP as well. This all from Elaine's own provable (and archived) actions...
Elaine feels she was invisible to her Dad.
Need to learn how to share, there E-lame. That's why you didn't get invited to birthday parties, as a kid.
Medication would fix so much hereTell me why? "I don't like kwiffar! I wanna sho-oo-oo-oo-hoot the whole Farms... down" If Elaine ever managed to aquire the physical strength to pull the trigger of even a firing pistol, the recoil and sound would probably cause a fatal injury.
It hurts? Does Elaine have some kind of periodontal disease? Bleeding gums? Or does she just bitch about her jaw aching after a couple of minutes (I've heard that complaint more than once).