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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

Kiwifarms On The Internet #dropkiwifarms general

News, blogs, activism that are kiwifarms related.
"Null does care and does take running this website seriously"

Shutting down regs, just as a new academic year starts, yeah, real serious.
On the Farms, The Dude was taken. So I chose his legal name. Since it's basically dead now, at least, the site will not come back in it's old capacity I am done hiding here.

TLDR; change it bro
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I shot two of Hillary's legal representatives in a west Texas mall on September 15th, 1975. You can't prove I did it.
The farms had the wild autism of early /b/ when I first started lurking there, when the internet was still whatever you wanted it to be, and that little bit of nostalgia for simpler times is what kept me coming back. I just wanted a place to laugh at the clown world and make fun of men who turned their dicks inside out.

Anyway, a fool and their money are early parted so I don’t have any mercy for people that donated to Null LMAO