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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

Kiwifarms On The Internet #dropkiwifarms general

News, blogs, activism that are kiwifarms related.

Why are the people who post #dropkiwifarms always such gross, sexual degenerates themselves? It's a great example of how the internet feeds into this crazy cognitive dissonance whereby people are willing to accept "approved opinions" without even considering the source. Keffals and his ring of unhealthy troons are not the goodguys, but the Washington Post is willing to go to bat for them and for a lot of people that's all that matters.
Why are the people who post #dropkiwifarms always such gross, sexual degenerates themselves? It's a great example of how the internet feeds into this crazy cognitive dissonance whereby people are willing to accept "approved opinions" without even considering the source. Keffals and his ring of unhealthy troons are not the goodguys, but the Washington Post is willing to go to bat for them and for a lot of people that's all that matters.
You are the company you keep…
1. Fake fart. We must remember that.
2. Tor, it's that thing nonces and drug dealers use. joshy ain't a drug dealer.
Pressure is getting to one t&h fawn
Some exFed has put his tuppence in. It's pretty active on the thread, as you'd imagine. Everyone's warming up there "Hey feds, cuz I know you're reading this, I got a meme for you..." posting.
SNFU at KF. "Posting while I still can" Atta boi. Never mind your wrists.

joshy interviewed by Tucker? I'm sure the manboy with the most grating autistic voice wants a new father figure. And this one's on proper telly.
Does this user understand the term "Useful Idiot"?
Fraught nerves abound.

This is the argument for bringing back National Service.