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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

Quite. Now knock it off.

Y'all act like you never seen a time wiz before. Jaws all over the floor like Angry and his wife just came through the door and he started whooping her ass worse than before.

It's the return of the "ree, seethe, tranny smarter than me, he no say what I think he say did he?"

Then the spider said to the fly, shoo fly stop bothering me. I'm teaching y'all a valuable lesson and y'all keep fucking with my Wilbur's.

Idiots thinking Rose isn't a Time Lord cause she's a 'human' girl.

YEAH, I've seen doctor who you dumbies.

lets code media hurrrrrr
There's twenty for sure in the bible, imma guess em.

11. No unnecessary abortion.
12. No unwanted suicide.
13. Give respect to those who give it to you.
14. Pay it forward, invest in your younger family.
15. Free Will is sacred, thus ignorance must be taught.
16. Forgive others at least once, twice is better.
17. Do not keep secrets.
18. Do not snitch if thou can help it.
19. Find a church, or make thine own.
20. Keep Sunday holy for you are less than God and need two days of rest.
Stop making fun of ppl that don't deserve it ppl.

It doesn't become funny when you just force me to air out everyone's dirty laundry except to me. Not anyone else lol.
Told ya, let's see if everyone listened and knew I was gonna write that shit.

Gonna try to get the comedy idea in it too but it's hard to UwU merge soooooo muchhhhhh.
Also if a mod marked my Rest in Peace post to Deadpool's user on kiwi then I'm gonna just repost those well wishes here instead cause why not.

I don't really simp, I sympathize but I don't actually get horny unless I already have a deep emotional bond forged over time.

My main joke is I'm rarely horny, I can't help that one.
And now I believe I'm done posting on the other splinters until it's necessary and I get wrapped up in some gay op without my consent.

As can any who post on Onionfarms now. A place for true freedom.