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Exploiting others?

They best not be poor.

Or I'll silence you, my forest family will.

We ARE the shadows.
None of yall get special fag tags til Swordfish adds in a Shiney tag here.

Glowies are clout chasing retards. Shineys care not for personal glory, it's about appreciating the hivemind of humanity and harnessing it for good.

Oh and I have notes on my setting in there. My false notes excited those on a crazy train that I took a fall for.

Any on that train will know me and now if they read it here will understand I KNEW what was up. I wasn't gonna let pigs pop ANY of you.

There totally aren't hidden channels I sweaaaaaar.

Share with me how my magik works in private if you want deeper access. Otherwise stick to art and being a faggot instead of normies.


Normies owe me money, false old fags owe me knowledge. After all, I'm the true Monarch of B.

Oh boo hoo someone with an IQ of 198 found out our little game.

Let's ban them over it cause they think it's gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy as AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDS.

Stop making fun of the mentally ill and disabled online jesus christ you fucking morons.

Omerta means have some honor and pride in yourself.

Onionfarms should be for people that are honorable despite what they do for a living.

Hence why we have so many subcategories and I try to meme in the non opinion based ones.


Are they even trying to hide the Jesus analogy anymore with Aizen?

Fuck it who cares, this shits hilariously funny.
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Astrology is just numerology for women.

White culture sucks, and it can't be funny without punching down which like c'mon Dave Chapelle is an uncle Tom chasing some white bitch who's initials are JK. Bitch please like I'm sposed to call you a man when you simp for that bitch? Mug me faggot.

Half the time I wasn't manic at all, I was off my fucking hormones and got hormonal imbalances.

Brain chemistry is real, brain structure is real.

Hence why I'm enby. It rhymes with envy cause I envy the female role. Making people happy and cooking is my thing. Any male cook is a secret tranny or a gay Daddy in the closet.(or an actual dad I guess, I unno).

I am an egaltarian. Democracy for small scale shit, republic for large scale shit.

I'm on a bus and this vacation has been boring as fuck.

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Only a nazbol should be in charge of the camps and farms. The rest don't understand pain of the minority and just aren't funny.

The lines are not to be crossed or you'll get me. My backbone is crooked but strong. I'm still going into disability over it cause hey, I can. Anyone who's seen it winces and asks how I'm not in a wheelchair.

It's cause I'm addicted to my own pain.
You heard the news, through out the onions with salmonella if you're eating onions.

The Queens taking a break and has been resting since the Hunters moon as promised.