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  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

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post anne hathaway boobs
Ahhhh. Hackually, while Hitler did turn away from certain Marxist "ideas", because Mussolini did, the basis of Nazism is based in the Hegelian Hey diddley dee of Cultural Marxism. And of course they both hated Jews.

That's an opinion on a moral relativism. You're really just saying "NO U". You have no problem with joshys past similar posting style. Do you?
Yeah, marx had a lot of his ideology based on some of hegels ideas and he made it self contradicting on purpose.
made it self contradicting on purpose.
Marx was a shill politico leafleteer. Engels would encourage him to put shit out for slags. It has all been debunked. At best you could argue he documented certain things. But his whole premise was BS and based on grifts akin to the BAck To Africa cons the Garveyites pulled. Engels said Marx looked like a nigger.
Marx was a shill politico leafleteer. Engels would encourage him to put shit out for slags. It has all been debunked. At best you could argue he documented certain things. But his whole premise was BS and based on grifts akin to the BAck To Africa cons the Garveyites pulled. Engels said Marx looked like a nigger.
Exactly, he could see that there are some problems but his proposed solutions would be worse than the problem itself. He couldn't see or accept how a lot of his understanding is wrong either. Like his whole dismissal of supply and demand talking about labor creating cost. That's basically still just supply and demand applied to workers.