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Debate user SSj_Ness about rape..

Hey look man I see a joke I can make out of cleaning semen out of a sex doll and then someone realizing what they just said so they back pedaled and I'm making that joke.
The irony bro will always be faced with the choice of doubling down or turning back. It's a path riddled with issues but I'll always support taking it unless something concrete comes about
What do you think I've actually read the previous 12 pages of the thread?
I've read hundreds of pages before commenting before, so no, I don't think that's too high of a bar..
I really don't get why these whiney niggers seethe about Ness so much though. All anyone has been able to do is point me to obvious jokes.
Really fuck most people here. They're almost exclusively the Discord rotted dipshits I hear babble about bullshit on Emp's channel every week, so really opinion discarded
I wish Odd Opossum had an account on here, I'm sure he could make you tardrage in a way I can't and am not interested in trying to do.
He's an extremely generic libtard, it takes exceptionally retarded people to bring out any tardrage from me.

HHH should make an account here too, I want to watch all the kwiffar chimp out at each other
He wouldn't want to be here, he couldn't get special treatment.
He clearly was memorable enough for you to throw a tantrum multiple times on his profile wall.
Taking a moment to call a retard a retard doesn't count as a tantrum to me, but alright.

I assume you're talking about him saying that people who really hate transsexuals are crazy spazzes. Your existence proves his words right.
What's wrong with really hating them? If you don't hate trannies you're an idiot.

Rent free.
Baby killers are scum.
I think it's mainly just people attacking ssj_nonce (which is no longer an unfounded accusation now that we know he refuses to disavow pedos)
I do disavow you, pedophile.


Disavow pedophiles. No excuses, nothing else. Say either "I disavow pedophilia" or "I'm a pedophile sympathizer"

That'll end this whole thing. Failure to comply will mean youre a sympathizer.
I'll say whatever I want, and it just so happens to be that pedophiles deserve prison or death, as I've been consistent on. If you want to join them in trying to spin that somehow, feel free.

Disavow pedophiles. No excuses, nothing else. Say either "I disavow pedophilia" or "I'm a pedophile sympathizer"

That'll end this whole thing. Failure to comply will mean youre a sympathizer.
He only disavows pedos he doesn't like (who are all "liberals" apparently) but he won't disavow null, a self admitted pedo, because he likes null.

SSJ_nonce is confirmed pedo apologist.
He only disavows pedos he doesn't like (who are all "liberals" apparently) but he won't disavow null, a self admitted pedo, because he likes null.

SSJ_nonce is confirmed pedo apologist.
I can't control that most of them are liberal, sorry about that. When has Null admitted to such a thing? He seems to hate them. He's even against loli now. If there's something I don't know, then I'd condemn him for it.

I am not an apologist for your type, pedo.