The irony bro will always be faced with the choice of doubling down or turning back. It's a path riddled with issues but I'll always support taking it unless something concrete comes aboutHey look man I see a joke I can make out of cleaning semen out of a sex doll and then someone realizing what they just said so they back pedaled and I'm making that joke.
What do you think I've actually read the previous 12 pages of the thread?

I've read hundreds of pages before commenting before, so no, I don't think that's too high of a bar..
I really don't get why these whiney niggers seethe about Ness so much though. All anyone has been able to do is point me to obvious jokes.
Really fuck most people here. They're almost exclusively the Discord rotted dipshits I hear babble about bullshit on Emp's channel every week, so really opinion discarded