Fact: Leaving your children unattended increases the likelihood they are abducted and eaten alive by a hag then replaced with a copy that turns into a hag on their 13th birthday unless you kill them before they change.
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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025
Ninja won and will win again
View attachment 59681
He actually ran away and deleted the entire exchange.
Swede, pls
how about you do funny shit instead of crying on a forum faggotSwede, pls
You forfeited the moral high ground by thinking this low effort song was funny.
Ninja did nothing wrong but refusing to bend the knee.
You people suck a magnitude more dicks behaving like this
How about I do what I vibe with instead of trying to impress some bloated ass nigger that earned their clout from gunt licking another nigger?how about you do funny shit instead of crying on a forum faggot