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Topics of Interest

Limited Public Individual (Lolcow) Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Documented person of interest who is not a public figure or who only has a small public presence on the internet
All right I'm not going to sit here and argue with you all night because you ARE a pedophile and Socky and his amazing drawer of socks is gonna gas you up, so I'm out.

Why Socky would associate with a fucking lowlife baby fucker like you is beyond me, and it makes me sad as fuck that someone as cool as him would do such a thing. He lost a little bit oven integrity in my eyes to be honest with you.

Anyway, have fun being bullied because you fucking deserve it for being a loudmouth combative little bitch, I'm gonna go eat dumplings, watch a movie and quell my yellow fever.
Lmao you are seriously mad you hit him with a pedo paintball u excuse yourself for posting child abuse scenerios
@Anne Hathaway Fan is a disgusting degenerate
Shall I edit @Anne Hathaway Fan pic in this pedo group selfie?