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Public Figure - Niche Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
darkness of the Bryan Hydra of Darkness.

So many of them have already been defeated by the hydra of light.
Zoom and Roxo were defeated by Swede and Furd. As documented by Empresa in many videos. this one was just the biggest battle and zoom and roxos ultimate death.
Cugel was exposed at a sick degenerate who dates dog fuckers and was thus doxed.
Empresa was sold bad steroids by Paulie no box and ended up trooning out.
Oliveoil lost almost all her kiwi clout and just posts about ninja on Twitter all day, crying about her lost love the dark ninja.
Bryan only has billy and smiling bandit left and smiling bandit is being purged of darkness by playing helldiver's 2 with members of the hydra of light.
Art made by @Warrior of Light
Bryan denies being himself when he goes on these little astroturfing campaigns because he knows his name is poison to any narrative presented as the truth.
"Oh, it's Cry-Cry saying all that? Obviously retarded schizo babble fueled by seethe, filing it appropriately 🚮"
I put together a group of Super Ninja Warriors to defeat the darkness of the Bryan Hydra of Darkness.

View attachment 48946

View attachment 48947
This group of Super Ninja Warriors formed into the Hydra of Light

Bryan /KoP was trying to recruit Bodega Clan member John in chat the other day to hate-bond to the Mighty Warrior Dark Ninja.
KoP is doing whatever he can to defeat these noble warriors of light. Yesh @Battle of Brainiac did out himself as a diddler since he called the same picture he was in CP and @Yonin is a hardcore KoP guard.
Thats cool and all but can you see your kid? 🧐
So many of them have already been defeated by the hydra of light.
Zoom and Roxo were defeated by Swede and Furd. As documented by Empresa in many videos. this one was just the biggest battle and zoom and roxos ultimate death.
Cugel was exposed at a sick degenerate who dates dog fuckers and was thus doxed.
Empresa was sold bad steroids by Paulie no box and ended up trooning out.
Oliveoil lost almost all her kiwi clout and just posts about ninja on Twitter all day, crying about her lost love the dark ninja.
Bryan only has billy and smiling bandit left and smiling bandit is being purged of darkness by playing helldiver's 2 with members of the hydra of light.
Art made by @Warrior of Light
View attachment 48956
I was dmed this accounts dox as well. Apparently you are a man who works at a grocery store who goes by the name Wesus? In all honesty you trolls gassing up issac going to me dm’s to feed me bullshit are all faggots ngl
Oh the guy you tried to frame for supposedly sending you CSAM and was cleared of all charges in Godwinson's courtroom?
Take me off mute, coward, and get someone to DM you my dox, /poz/
Surely they remember me from all the VCs
I was dmed this accounts dox as well. Apparently you are a man who works at a grocery store who goes by the name Wesus? In all honesty you trolls gassing up issac going to me dm’s to feed me bullshit are all faggots ngl
Yes I am Brian Holloman and I am a better trader joes stock boy than you will ever be.
Why don't you tell us how you got nudes from Shalyn and almost drove to Arizona to fuck her before you realized how badly Hazel will fuck you in that divorce when that came out?
Yes I am Brian Holloman and I am a better trader joes stock boy than you will ever be.
Why don't you tell us how you got nudes from Shalyn and almost drove to Arizona to fuck her before you realized how badly Hazel will fuck you in that divorce when that came out?
View attachment 48985
That explains why this dipshits was crying earlier ITT about "Won't someone think of the e-girls?!" Kek
Fucking moron is determined to have half his check garnished for alimony and child support until he inevitably drunkenly cry rages himself into a noose, all over bottom of the barrel e-girls and sektur trannies
The cunt does have his own thread...
Alawgin' is just having a laugh at the dinlos in the sektur. This is Ashley tier repressed tard shit.