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Public Figure - Niche Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Do something based and confirm @Valued Titan @Warrior of Light and @Ilias Kasidiaris are the same person, without revealing their IP of course. Maybe merge the obvious sock accounts to one like you did with pico de guillotines.
@Ilias Kasidiaris is an associate of mine not bryan or ninja , the others are ninja and we already spoke on discord

THe retard is still going to complain to hostgator? Shit-fer-brains. @Empresa thanks for clearing up that there is in fact someone with as poor literacy skills as Isaac.
Once again, @Warrior of Light is seeing Bryan in the trees and cannot stop being insane
"He's in the trees!
He's coming!
When I was a child, running in the night
Afraid of what might be
Hiding in the dark, hiding in the discord
And of what was following me
The hounds of Dunnce are hunting
I've always been a coward
And I don't know what's good for me
Oh, here I go"
Elaine Coded Combo. Emp is on the ropes... will Isaac finish it?

Oh no! The old curse of having the reading comprehension of an 8 year old has struck again! He doesn't know past tense... never mind the obvious joke, his autism can't fathom humour of any kind.

Emp survives, wins by default.
Why are you so mad I exist all the time?
Is it bc you're the usual angry Anglo type?

Why are you so mad I exist all the time?
Please explain the logic underlying the conclusion that I am mad... and not, say... making fun of a cow in his thread (very chaggot coded btw)
Is it bc you're the usual angry Anglo type?
Ahhhhh. The influence of the 50s writers, such as Amis, Sillitoe, Pinter on UK culture... did you read Osbourne's Don't Look Back in Anger? Oasis did a really shit cover of it. I mean, they hardly got any of the words right. jk. I know you can't read anything above the level of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Plus... you are in a sektur that hates the shit skins... which you are one of.
Everyone that doesn't have a hate boner for the Legendary Ninja is his Sock!!!!
Stroking your own ego is a dead give away. No one does that unless they want to kiss up to a janny, which you are not. You are not null or ken, so no one has any reason to wank you this way. You don't see me calling the other people shitting on you "giant" or "legendary" do you?
Please explain the logic underlying the conclusion that I am mad... and not, say... making fun of a cow in his thread (very chaggot coded btw)

Ahhhhh. The influence of the 50s writers, such as Amis, Sillitoe, Pinter on UK culture... did you read Osbourne's Don't Look Back in Anger? Oasis did a really shit cover of it. I mean, they hardly got any of the words right. jk. I know you can't read anything above the level of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Plus... you are in a sektur that hates the shit skins... which you are one of.
I'm pretty aware the Ralphverse ppl are mostly racist. I think it's most of the internet tbh. Not just that particular internet universe
I'm pretty aware the Ralphverse ppl are mostly racist.
Not aware of the logic underlying the conclusion that I am mad at you, for you making a show of yourself, for my amusement, are you?
I think it's most of the internet tbh.
Certainly in the shitskin countries your ancestors came from.
Not just that internet universe
But you accept that Anglo are higher up on the Race Bar, compared to the wetback dago wog brains... such as yourself?
Nah he hates PPP.
That wasn't the point I was making.
I dont think you may recall but his show had many streams exposing them
You think I'd watch Dunnce? Wot? You giving me batty chirps?
He also was apart of the Writers Room and sided with godwinson over the fall out.
Ah... Plodwinson... the other dead man. (Guess the film, Plodwinson loves films)
Bryan why were you trying to fuck chuckles and spamming her dms
Her Dad's a nonce, like his. They've got something in common. You weljel of Dunnce getting the trim, again?