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Public Figure - Niche Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Intend to find out.
Meaning? I'm curious as to how you will "find out". As BoB said, Isaac won't actually address the situation (other than to lie about it). Are you going to gain access to the CPS in TX? Are you going to stalk Isaac, until you catch him "in the act"?

Another question (it's my day off, I'm sat by the window, looking out on the garden, it's a beautiful day, humour me here), do you think that Isaac is mentally unwell, what with the socking, the obsessing over Bryan Dunnce (because Bry wouldn't lie for him, and Olive likes him more than Isaac), telling provable lies about Dunnce. Do you think that is the actions of someone with a severe mental health problem?
Sophistry. The report may have been made out of spite, ie the people who made the report may hate you, but that doesn't mean the accusation isn't true. This is why we had to verify the CPS report, it's a real CPS report made against Isaac Flores. Now, Isaac was asked "If this is a false report, made out of spite, then you will have the final report, from the CPS, saying that you are innocent (because it's you Isaac, no need to sock), are you going to post that conclusion, that you are innocent?" You have failed to do that.

Can you clarify, for the thread, after reading the evidence provided, do you think that Isaac Flores 1. Has had a report of child abuse made against him, to the CPS 2. Is in fact a child molester?
I would think dancing for spergs when they demand this "evidence of innocence" and knowing they will continue to sperg afterwards would be retarded as well.
You're mad he called you a pedophile. I can probably pull up at least 500x of you saying the word "nonce" or "pedophile".
Makes you sus tbh
I would think dancing for spergs when they demand this "evidence of innocence" and knowing they will continue to sperg afterwards would be retarded as well.
You're mad he called you a pedophile. I can probably pull up at least 500x of you saying the word "nonce" or "pedophile".
Makes you sus tbh
I honestly think he is. Usually ppl who say that many times a day and thinking about child molestation many times in one day and normalizing it in his mind is bound to be one
I would think dancing for spergs when they demand this "evidence of innocence" and knowing they will continue to sperg afterwards would be retarded as well.
Professing your innocence while refusing to provide that evidence. Evidence you say you have. THAT'S retarded.
You're mad he called you a pedophile.
Why should I be mad when an actual nonce tries to project?
I can probably pull up at least 500x of you saying the word "nonce" or "pedophile".
500 times seems hyperbole. However, on a site that has a lot of noncy cows, like Isaac, what do you expect?
Makes you sus tbh
Isaac, it doesn't. Having the CPS investigate you for child abuse, and you not being able to prove your innocence, which you SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO, if you are innocent. That's sus. If you don't believe me, go outside, and ask a random passer by. See if they think who is sus.
I honestly think he is.
You are talking to yourself, to try and deflect the credible accusation of child abuser.
Usually ppl who say that many times a day and thinking about child molestation many times in one day and normalizing it in his mind is bound to be one
Isaac, you are guilty of calling people pedo, in a knee jerk reaction to people pointing out that there is more than enough evidence to believe you abuse children.

Isaac, what were the reasons your wife gave you, for leaving you? Do you remember?
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I would think dancing for spergs when they demand this "evidence of innocence" and knowing they will continue to sperg afterwards would be retarded as well.
You're mad he called you a pedophile. I can probably pull up at least 500x of you saying the word "nonce" or "pedophile".
Makes you sus tbh
I honestly think he is. Usually ppl who say that many times a day and thinking about child molestation many times in one day and normalizing it in his mind is bound to be one

You need to stop socking at this point in time.
Professing your innocence while refusing to provide that evidence. Evidence you say you have. THAT'S retarded.

Why should I be mad when an actual nonce tries to project?

500 times seems hyperbole. However, on a site that has a lot of noncy cows, like Isaac, what do you expect?

Isaac, it doesn't. Having the CPS investigate you for child abuse, and you not being able to prove your innocence, which you SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO, if you are innocent. That's sus. If you don't believe me, go outside, and ask a random passer by. See if they think who is sus.

You are talking to yourself, to try and deflect the credible accusation of child abuser.

Isaac, you are guilty of calling people pedo, in a knee jerk reaction to people pointing out that there is more than enough evidence to believe you abuse children.

Isaac, what were the reasons did your wife give you, for leaving you? Do you remember?
Ok so I'm going to call cps on you and I'm going to call you a pedophile until you prove that the cps closed their case on you.
Sound good?
hey ninja could you only use one account please?

there's only a bakers dozen of us here and when accounts with agendas pop up its beyond obvious.
Sound good?
What are you basing your accusation on? Here's the thing: CPS get loads of complaints, they expect some of them to be false. Now, I'll give you, you're in TX, and there was a famous case of the CPS being involved, tangentially, in Waco, Mount Carmel. Ever hear of it? I doubt the ATF are chomping at the bit to burn down your compound, tho.

Isaac, you admit that a report has been filed against you. It would have been investigated, and the CPS would have made a decision. You are in a position to provide us with that decision. That is to say: You could prove your innocence. You refuse to do this.

Do you see the point I'm making? Who are you going to complain to? What are you going to base it on? SOmeone called you a nonce, because, like a nonce, you claim you can prove you are innocent, but steadfastly refuse to do so. Good luck with that, nutter.
Lmao these ppl are so stupid
YOu have been posting here since 5am. You have no friends, your wife left you and took the kid. Given a chance to prove you aren't a nonce, you decide to lie about some ragetard nobody cares about (ok, Plodz still cares, but he doesn't count). Just because that ragetard wouldn't lie for you and make himself a nonce protector.
Hes so fucking stupid he thinks people do not see hes socking
This is a different sort of socking, from what we see Ash do. Which is not wanting her face and name to be associated with her deranged (and credible) sexual threats against the forums Jewess community (it's @fnaarf , btw). Isaac is actually putting on a Socky and Sweep-it-up show.

Fucking terribly. I wonder how this will look to the Kwiffar? "Ok Isaac, how did it go, your "mission" to prove your innocence on that Evil Onion Farms (boo hiss)?" "Why do you think I have to prove my innocence? Have you been listening to DIZINFUHMAYSHUN!!??!! That's SUS! Only a pedo would think that I'm a pedo... BBRRRUUUUHHHYUUUUUUNNNN!!!!"

How long do you think he's been awake? He's been lurking/socking for nearly half a day. Do you think this is the start of a binge, or the end of one? Is he at the point of psychosis where he's hallucinating little Squirrel Bryan Dunnces popping up in his PV, calmly saying "Olive likes me more, just get over it. Get some fresh air, don't be a ODD douche bag like the broom, get out there, be a go getter".

I'm now imagining the Bry Bry squirrel is now dressed like Richard Simmons, and is poking Isaac, chiding him, telling him to do some jumping jacks, and lose some of that flab, "You're a grown man Isaac, it's not puppy fat, that's tweeker fat..." But that's just to amuse myself (and Dunnce, he always likes reading about himself, and searching his name), I doubt Isaac knows who Simmons is.
you should be informed this guy is trying to get the website taken down
Isaac doesn't want people to know that he has been investigated by the CPS. He's being an Flaggot? Doesn't look good. It does sound like that, not only is Isaac guilty of all charges brought against him here, but he's not learnt his lesson and is STILL offending.

For the safety of the wee bairns, Isaac needs to be stopped. Prison time. Out in the sun, making big rocks into little rocks. It's the only language nonces, like Isaac, understand. It's better than the vigilante justice, that's out there waiting for him. It's TX, they don't fuck around. A nonce AND a ratfink? Nah. Hope Isaac has asbestos PJs.
Ninja sent you here to muddy his thread or you are Ninja on sock number like 5 now. I cant tell.
>Everyone who disagrees with a blatantly manufactured smear campaign is a literal shill
No Bryan, you're actually just mentally ill and seething at shadows (so, typical Wednesday).
Would you like a list of all of my aliases?
You can tweak out over dozens of accounts and uncover the massive conspiracy that surely must be taking place for someone call bullshit on a bullshit story.
Sadly you'll find I've only mentioned him 3 times, specifically to say that neither he nor Zoom are pedophiles and this gay Discord shit is gay.
Isaac... if you are innocent of the charges made against you, the CPS would have found that out, and included it in their final report. Which you will have a copy of. If someone made an allegation against you, and the CPS investigated, then simply post the bit where the CPS say "Isaac is a gud boi, and nevah dun nuffin wrong".
If the State of Texas had a scrap of evidence that he did anything like that he would still be in jail.
You are a gay man posting gay porn you keep saved
Bro, even if that image genuinely isn't you we've all still heard the recordings of your drunken cocklust.
Unironically kill yourself flaggot
Lol, extremely strange to call me a flagger. Just get to the part where you call me a pedophile based on nothing but how bum bashed my posts make you feel
Am I Bryan or is it still @Crimson Fucker or @Nektar Geist or a random twitter account or is it you who is Bryan? Are we all Bryan? Its a question for the ages
No, Crimson is based and Nektar is some variety of Bong, so they can't be you. I've been reading your insane posts for years and it's very easy to spot you in a crowd, hence why all of your Kiwi accounts get merged

Edit: You edited your post after I replied.
I'm not Ninja. I already offered to give you a large list of my aliases. Take the offer. Maybe you'll be able to dox me.
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If the State of Texas had a scrap of evidence that he did anything like that he would still be in jail.
Care to explain the logic underlying that conclusion? I haven't included any specific crime. btw, a lot of sex crimes with the mentally retarded end up with tags and ASBOs, for what ever Yankee version there is.

I'll ask you a question, see if you answer:

Do you believe that Isaac has had a complaint filed against him at the CPS? If so... why hasn't he posted the CPS clearing him? Rhetorical question, there.