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Public Figure - Niche Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
shut the fuck up bryan ninja isnt a pedo but your dad is! why dont you cheat on your wife with shayln again you disgusting homosexual
Welcome Back Ninja. Glad you can grace us with someone’s dad’s charges. Whats the goal here Issac? Instead of explaining anything you are involved in you seem hyper focused on deflecting onto anything else that smells like children related trauma.

How was your relationship with your Father?
This was sent to me privately. It’s a private conversation between Ninja and Bryan related to the CPS report and some gayop issac is running on some group called “Chinatown”. Bryan rightfully tells Issac to stop being a faggot on the internet and report whatever is going on to him(his victim complex bullshit) to the authorities. This seems like Bryan is Vindicated as Ninja admits to be working for Zoom and Plategang to take out this Chinatown and also Ninja trying to dox the Olive Oil person with a Tombahat? Half these names I am unaware of but its amazingly eye opening how much the Bryan looks completely innocent in whatever pedophile slandering Issac throws out. Most glaring of all is Issac is involved in Swatting people in this private call.

@Nektar Geist this is a good listen and the closest we can get to him explaining anything. We get Elaine named, Strawberry douche aka Alia named, Zoom named, Olive Oil named, Godwinson named. its very obvious why ninja is attacking everyone lol
Well. My main take away from that is: Given a choice between not being a tard online and having his daughter SWAT'd... Isaac is still being a tard online.

Do you know when this "personal conversation between Dunnce and Isaac" happened? I'm guessing just after the Grossly stream Plodwinson did. btw Plodz did a stream with some nonce... who got SWAT'd midstream... just thought I'd put that out there.

Also: Dunnce needs to switch to decaf.
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Well. My main take away from that is: Giving a choice between not being a tard online and having his daughter SWAT'd... Isaac is still being a tard online.

Do you know when this "personal conversation between Dunnce and Isaac" happened? I'm guessing just after the Grossly stream Plodwinson did. btw Plodz did a stream with some nonce... who got SWAT'd midstream... just thought I'd put that out there.

Also: Dunnce needs to switch to decaf.
No idea. Given the timeline of events discussed. it seems right around the time godwinson did his snakening stream on Bryan. By this conversation it shows that Ninja and Godwinson were in plategang discords doxing and possibly swatting people. It also paints an interesting picture of why Godwinson snaked Bryan. All of it leads back to a very very angry Meth addicted CPS reported Mexican in Texas.
Ninja and Godwinson were in plategang discords doxing and possibly swatting people.
I wondered why Plodz had Isaac on his stream... Ofc Isaac was terrible, but Plodz didn't make fun of him... which was odd.
It also paints an interesting picture of why Godwinson snaked Bryan
Dunnce is kinda like Pete Best. I suppose making Plodz Lennon. Dunnce is a talentless hack. A mere copyist of the Gunt (who is really only a Fisher Price Sam Kinison/Bill Hicks). But back to the Beatles... Best was a pretty shit drummer, certainly not better than Starr. Here, Surfer can be seen as Ringo. Those streams (where Plodz visited, or touched the poo, PPP and Surfer), they created a whole thing. You had the Golden Gunts, you had "Shalom", some amazing Kino. And Dunnce was a thing of the past. Bitching about how he was betrayed by... blah blah blah. Doesn't get the credit... blah blah blah.

I'll give him credit, if he's the guy who did the Ronnie Ralph voice (other than PPP's version), that was funny. Buuuut... As my Granny used to say "Play the pussy, get fucked".

Anyway, Darth Ashley has created his first sock account! And still hasn't provided the evidence (that he could, if he's telling the truth, he's not) that would clear him of the serious charge of child rape.
I wondered why Plodz had Isaac on his stream... Ofc Isaac was terrible, but Plodz didn't make fun of him... which was odd.

Dunnce is kinda like Pete Best. I suppose making Plodz Lennon. Dunnce is a talentless hack. A mere copyist of the Gunt (who is really only a Fisher Price Sam Kinison/Bill Hicks). But back to the Beatles... Best was a pretty shit drummer, certainly not better than Starr. Here, Surfer can be seen as Ringo. Those streams (where Plodz visited, or touched the poo, PPP and Surfer), they created a whole thing. You had the Golden Gunts, you had "Shalom", some amazing Kino. And Dunnce was a thing of the past. Bitching about how he was betrayed by... blah blah blah. Doesn't get the credit... blah blah blah.

I'll give him credit, if he's the guy who did the Ronnie Ralph voice (other than PPP's version), that was funny. Buuuut... As my Granny used to say "Play the pussy, get fucked".

Anyway, Darth Ashley has created his first sock account! And still hasn't provided the evidence (that he could, if he's telling the truth, he's not) that would clear him of the serious charge of child rape.
Bryan’s name is shit nowadays and its only use is to deflect off of gayops. Thats what this private audio told me personally. Godwinson working with plategang and ninja to do gayops was the biggest surprise to me. You will never get Ninja to directly clear up his pedo investigation issue because he cant. So expect him to just deflect and claim everyone but him is a pedo.
Bryan’s name is shit nowadays and its only use is to deflect off of gayops.
Some months back, I had some bint (won't say who, but it was a cow) send me some stuff, some of it was Ryan Dawson(?) accusing Dunnce of being a SWATer (maybe the "Sektur SWATer"). There was a janny here, who "left to spend more time with his family", I once pointed out to him, about Elaine, is that while all these guys would diss Elaine, they would also enable her behaviour. Dunnce is like that.
Godwinson working with plategang and ninja to do gayops was the biggest surprise to me.
Zoom did turn up on a Plodz stream, around this time. This was also the time some actual convicted nonce was actually SWAT's when on stream with Plodz. Mere co-inky-dink I'm sure.
You will never get Ninja to directly clear up his pedo investigation issue because he cant.
Worse yet, he will tell obvious lies about the whole thing. Just makes him look guiltier.
So expect him to just deflect and claim everyone but him is a pedo.
And Bryan Dunnce, it seems, or Roxo(?), and no doubt, a whole chorus of competing voices.
Having read this thread (and the writing on the wall), Isaac takes to Squitter...
I've called Kinoshit a nonce. He was a janny for pedomenco. Kinoshit has dined out on grassing up Pedomenco ever since.
Personal Army Thread? Thanks for the shout out to Onion Farms, people might actually visit the thread (note Isaac hasn't provided a link), and come to their own conclusions. That he is an Nonce.
Worse yet, he will tell obvious lies about the whole thing. Just makes him look guiltier.
He just revises history.

Here he is less than an hour ago claiming he never pedo slanders people and that the Dunnce is the truuuuu pedo slander :story:

he already debunked everything
"Crimson Fucker did something gross... I'm not a nonce. NO IT'S NOT A DEFLECTION!!!"

No. Isaac, you don't prove your innocence by demonstrating CF likes to post edge lord shit on peoples profiles. You are just digging yourself a deeper hole. You were reported to the CPS, and cannot post any evidence of the CPS clearing you of the allegations. You educationally subnormal nonce.