Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
Explain the logic underlying the conclusion that any of us is triggered? You are the one who (by your own logic) is a wrong 'un. And a narcissistic one too. What with the "I'm so great triggering these guys pointing out I'm a sex offender"Jheezus you pedophiles love being triggered over one guy
I'm probably wasting my time here, but it's funny showing dogs card tricks...Must be because yall are actual pedophiles

René Descartes - Wikipedia

Immanuel Kant - Wikipedia
It was dormant until you shat it up. Ashley is being a bit of a lazy cow... so, y'know... laughing at cows... why we're here.Nah it's a personal army thread.
Why do you think that people pointing out you sexual molest children (you being accused of it, and being unwilling to prove your innocence, which you COULD do, but again, refuse to do, people will reasonably (Descarte/Kant) come to the conclusion that you are a thick as pig shit nonce.Anyone I make mad jumps on here for more Dark Ninja Derangement Syndrome and cope
You are like Ash (hence the Darth Ashley bit), but more of a danger to kids.