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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

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You're so not bovver'd, you asked Ken if you were shadowbanned. Because you're not bovver'd, right?
"Hey (not my) kids! You want to hear another story about that time I touched the poo?"

"Mom! Your creepy boyfriend is talking at us again!"

Aaaannnnnd, comparing xerself to Don Quixotes. A guy who is bonkers, and tilts at windmills? Who does he see as his Panza? Is there some poor schmoe of a probation officer who has to decode Dani's babbling. Anyway, if you were to compare Dani to a fictional character, it would be...
If anyone has seen this show, you know I'm right. Only Dani doesn't get up to wild and crazy antics. Dude needs to get down Mexico way, and meet gunt. It would be a massive disappointment, as it would be like The Shootist, with gunt as Books/Wayne and Dani taking the role of Rogers/Howard. Plus, if shots are fired (and with gunt, you never can tell), Dani is just going to run and hide in a dumpster.

Ofc. Dani does know (like everyone) Ash's address. She'd rape him, tho.