Most corrupt cities in the US (Providence is not one of them):Rhode Island is also home to the Washington Bridge and the highly corrupt government who refuse to take responsibility for it's failure.
Well yeah, all of those places on the list suck because they're nigger infested hellscapes. If America was run how you apparently like things there'd be aMost corrupt cities in the US (Providence is not one of them)
Why don't you run for Governor? Your whole campaign can be centered around the Washington Bridge issue and how you're gonna fix it ASAP. You'll win by a landslide and once in office you can just ignore the damn bridge and focus on Nigerian interests and funneling people onto your blog.Most corrupt cities in the US (Providence is not one of them):
Well yeah, all of those places on the list suck because they're nigger infested hellscapes. If America was run how you apparently like things there'd be abootlipped gorillaNigerian on every corner of your town
When it simply becomes a shit-flinging contest out of a personal vendetta instead of offering any substantive discussion this is when I am tempted to lock it.Ken is afraid of competition that's why he really locked it. Makes me want to join the other site out of spite now. If I do I may even use this one less if I like it more.
It's their thread. If they want shit flinging let it happen. Bad excuse. You're afraid of competition. That's what null does.When it simply becomes a shit-flinging contest out of a personal vendetta instead of offering any substantive discussion this is when I am tempted to lock it.
What Null does is to ban people on other forums. I don't .It's their thread. If they want shit flinging let it happen. Bad excuse. You're afraid of competition. That's what null does.
Null closes threads for shit flinging like you did. You pulled a null. Again, if it becomes shit flinging move it to the autism subforum like you used to. The only reason I can see you not doing it is because it was about a rival forum.What Null does is to ban people on other forums. I don't .
I have started a new thread on the alternate forum. Let's debate the material in there.Null closes threads for shit flinging like you did. You pulled a null. Again, if it becomes shit flinging move it to the autism sub-forum like you used to. The only reason I can see you not doing it is because it was about a rival forum.
I just stickied the thread in the cowsphere forum.This thread was supposed to be about that. I've already said my piece anyway. Public perception is you are in fact pulling a null regardless of how you feel about it.
Guys, that thread was a joke thread done in the typical Kengle style of (Tag)[useless info](thing we already know)Stupid Headline Designed To Get Views, with a body of "obviously fake joke post disguised as news". It was meant to get laughs. It was not intended to promote my little new forum which everyone here knows about already. It was also intentional mild shit flinging, but what did you expect? This is a kiwisplinter, it's the fucking culture.
Being able to speak my mind is why i came here.Null closes threads for shit flinging like you did. You pulled a null. Again, if it becomes shit flinging move it to the autism subforum like you used to. The only reason I can see you not doing it is because it was about a rival forum.