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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
You can ask for help if you want, I know you need it
@Crimson Fucker
Ma'am, your lame attempts to a-log me go HERE.
I know you've got girl brains and that's never going away but I really hoped you might have grown since we were apart
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Letting you know to move this to a comfortable spot so I can gore and scat post in it. Autism forum is nice this time of year. This is now the NSFL containment thread. I don't care where you move it but this is now the thread I will post NSFL stuff in from here on out. Otherwise I'll just keep doing it here no matter how much sweeping is done. :trollface:
Is that your dream?
I dream of sharing my love of Glowie with every man on the planet.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Letting you know to move this to a comfortable spot so I can gore and scat post in it. Autism forum is nice this time of year. This is now the NSFL containment thread. I don't care where you move it but this is now the thread I will post NSFL stuff in from here on out. Otherwise I'll just keep doing it here no matter how much sweeping is done. :trollface:
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt This is a deranged woman who wants her very real and deserved information moved further out of the public eye. Think of all the nuisances she's caused.
This is your first move as a non moderator. Will you be terrorized into doing things differently?
I don't give a shit if he locks it for infighting or gives me my way and lets me post NSFL. I'll do it anyway if nothing is done soon enough, but I would like a response first to do it by the books.
Reason: He said if I contain it I can do it so I'm asking him to allow for this.