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  • I am seeing an increase on new topics and content being generated by the rank and file in the community, and a lot of peeps on our Online Statistics. Two thumbs up to all of you.

Cute or hot people

Elena Satine #2.jpeg

Elena Satine
@naught's mom
tbh fam ngl...
I only listened to their give me choco one, that shit rocks, I played it on repeat like 50 times, but a fair bunch of so called baby metal genre seems cringe as shit, especially when they mix it with traditional Japanese music, any recomendations to get started in the genre my man?
@naught's mom
tbh fam ngl...

I only listened to their give me choco one, that shit rocks, I played it on repeat like 50 times, but a fair bunch of so called baby metal genre seems cringe as shit, especially when they mix it with traditional Japanese music, any recomendations to get started in the genre my man?
I skip around on a playlist until I hear something I like lel.
The band "band maid" is better then baby metal imo.
Women in their mid 20's- early 60's. Just trust me on this. I've seen pictures of women born in the 1960's and some of them look at least 20 years younger than they actually are.
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Is it true if you're Asian you can't have ginger offspring?
Well Asia is a very diverse country, so it really depends on where. Georgians, which are part of Asia, can have ginger offspring. Now anyone like the South Indians, which are black, most likely cannot. Most likely the same for the rest of Asia regardless of skin tone. So basically Georgia is the only Asian country with red headed offspring.