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Conspiracy Theories that turned out true.

More on cloning.
I hope they make this come back. Do the marsupial lion next. Australia isn't quite dangerous enough yet without (checks notes) large carnivores.
(blah blah dinosaurs would die because lack of oxygen or too much oxygen blah blah)

Oh cool, Jurassic Park.
Forgot about the short faced kangaroo. This should be enough to turn Australia into borderlands.
The Finders / Tunnels under McMartin PreSchool (what kicked off the satanic panic)


Pg 47 and 48 of The Finders stuff pt1...
They found animal bones and pentagrams, among other things the kids described. The map is a little different than the Ted Gunderson one too.

Weird side bit tying into Isabella Janke (the one that encouraged CWC to fuck his mom and was insanely nasty, had a glow-in-the-dark dad)

The mom's maiden name is pretty much the name of the lady from the finders has a similar last name to Isabella's mom and the lady had pretty much the same first name as Isabella... minus one letter difference Pettie vs Pettit and Isabelle vs Isabella

animal torture / sacrifice with a cult like atmosphere, the kids from it were reported to be dirty and unkempt as well (janke tortured animals and liked to be filthy)

Not saying there is a connection there on the second bit, just interesting coincidences
The Finders / Tunnels under McMartin PreSchool (what kicked off the satanic panic)

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Pg 47 and 48 of The Finders stuff pt1...
They found animal bones and pentagrams, among other things the kids described. The map is a little different than the Ted Gunderson one too.

I remember reading the excavation report and coming away completely shocked. For all of those years, the media went to such lengths to make it sound like a hoax. They even got one victim to retract his story as an adult, in a blog post. To this day, I have heard they use it in college psych classes as an example of mass panic.

But that report is no lie. SOMEBODY took those children down there. There can be no denying it after reading those findings.
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They do that a lot with basically everything. They still do it to this day, with psy ops like mind control covid vax 5g nano bots from flat hollow earth nazi alien lizard men hitler clones in ufos from fake space and faked moon landing to sell our souls to satan by giving us the mark of the beast and astral projecting 4d psychic energy vampire pedophiles and huffing adrenalchrome in dust off cans so they don't have to blow us up with fake nukes. Cover up normal concerns and discredit it with something absurd. There are various examples of them taking something believable and turning it into a tinfoil hat tier conspiracy theory instead of just a normal one that occurs from the self interest of rich assholes. Doing that only makes them double down because they can tell what they are trying to do. The way they did it for this was attacking nerd culture that sensible people would see as a hoax because they didn't get the real info only glowie psy ops to discredit it. They would say pokemon and dnd were satanic rituals to manipulate uncultured boomers into giving them money votes and other backing. I suspect they themselves were behind the rituals since the reporter that covered bill Clinton molesting a boy during a satanic ritual on a yacht got added to their body count.
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I remember reading the excavation report and coming away completely shocked. For all of those years, the media went to such lengths to make it sound like a hoax. They even got one victim to retract his story as an adult, in a blog post. To this day, I have heard they use it in college psych classes as an example of mass panic.

But that report is no lie. SOMEBODY took those children down there. There can be no denying it after reading those findings.

There is tons of denying these findings. I looked for a better review and found this on the first page: This scientist type is very thorough about analyzing the data that they put forward in the FBI document. He's much more charitable to the archeologist who dug under the school than I would be: it's clear that Stickel wanted to be a hero and was looking for attention, so he started making things up after he found a rural trash. He made it up for attention and the FBI believed him.

Interesting summary of the notes that are available on the FBI website. Excerpt that caught my eye:

Archeologist Stickel’s findings and conclusions appeared unassailable and
had spread across the child protection community, uncritically accepted as valid.
Indeed, prior to reviewing the report I had heard more than one professional say
that the McMartin Preschool tunnels had been found. One of those professionals is
a nationally known figure who made his remarks to an audience of several hundred
child protection workers at a major conference.

Thus, I obtained a copy of the report and reviewed it. Finishing my review, a
more plausible conclusion than that of the archeologist emerged—that evidence of
filled-in tunnels had not been found. Rather, Stickel had found a family trash pit of
the type that was, and is, often dug on the property of rural homeowners. Often
such a pit is dug by hand. Old bottles, tin cans, table scraps, metal objects and
other trash are disposed of in the pit. Combustible refuse is sometimes burned in
the pit. When the pit is nearly full, a new pit is dug in the space beside the first pit,
with its dirt used to cover the first pit. When the second pit is filled with trash it is
then covered with dirt as a third is dug, and so on until, over many years, a string
of pits has been dug, each filled with trash, and covered with a thin layer of soil.
This string of covered pits might later give the appearance of having once been a
tunnel. This, most likely, was the archeologist’s discovery.

As I reviewed Stickel’s report there were many details, large and small, to
support the conclusion that Stickel had found a string of old trash pits, rather than
tunnels. First is the history of the property itself (p. 26). Originally the lot on which
the preschool later was built (931 Manhattan Beach Boulevard) was vacant, and a
home and detached garage were next door (927 Manhattan Beach Boulevard).
Records show that the home and garage stood at least as early as 1928. The house
and garage property, and the vacant side lot that would later contain the preschool,
were purchased by a Mr. Mark Morris in 1942. The area was rural, as evidenced by
the presence of a septic tank. City trash pick-up most likely was not available.

The preschool building was constructed much later, in 1966. The lot
containing the original house and garage was sold by Morris in 1972, and a
demolition order was obtained for the house and garage. The new owners, Mr. &
Mrs. Clifton Warren, re-sold the property in 1975 to a Mr. Goldstein who allowed
the preschool to use the now vacant lot (at # 927) for a play yard. Mr. Goldstein
continued to own the property in 1990, at the time of the archeological dig by Dr.
Stickel. Thus, the history of the area fits well with the possibility that the “tunnel”
discovered by Stickel could have been a rural homeowner’s trash pit, in use for
several decades from the 1920s to the 1960s, prior to construction of the preschool
in 1966.

The contents of the “tunnels” further support the likelihood that Stickel had
found an old trash pit. Stickel listed many objects that he found (pps. 54, 70, 75).
These included sections of boards, wood fragments, a variety of metal objects, an
inner tube, numerous bottles, TV antenna wire, tin cans, scissors, eye glasses,
exposed film, cinder blocks, plywood, tar paper, roofing nails, four trash-filled pots
(three of metal, one of crockery, the largest about fourteen inches tall, all in
disrepair), a one-gallon glass food jar, 35 to 40 rusted tin can fragments, a crockery
lid, an old medicine bottle, various glass fragments from a large jar, a small
“pestle-like stone,” a rusted metal rod, and 60 to 70 rusted metal can fragments.

It is unlikely that the McMartin defendants would have brought in that
amount and variety of refuse. Much more likely is that there were no tunnels.
Further support for the trash pit theory is found in an analysis of the bottles found
in the debris. The analysis was done by members of the South Bay Antique Bottles
and Collectibles Club at the archeologist’s request. Club members concluded that
all of the bottles dated from the 1920s through the 1950s (up to 1960) with the
majority from the 1930s and 1940s (p. 141), during the decades when the Morris
family and the earlier owners would have disposed of them there.

There are other reasons to think that this was a trash pit. In the “tunnel” were
found many animal bones. These do not confirm the children’s reports of satanic
animal sacrifices. The bones were sent by archeologist Stickel to Dr. Charles
Schwartz for a zooarchaeological analysis. Dr. Schwartz issued reports to Stickel
on June 2 and June 15, 1990. He found that the bones came from chickens, pigs,
dogs, birds, and cattle. All were adult animals at the time of death. While it is
conceivable that the smaller animals could have been sacrificed during satanic
rituals, it is unreasonable, based on Stickel’s report of the size and height (about
four feet at the “entrance”) of the “tunnels,” to think that adult cattle were
sacrificed there. Moreover, Dr. Schwartz concluded (p. 17 of his report, attached as
p. 138, Appendix I.4, to Dr. Stickel’s report) that the bones represented food
remains and that the cuts were standard butcher’s cuts that had been made with a
band saw, a finding that is inconsistent with ritual sacrifice. Thus, the bones fit a
scenario of trash that included food remains, in addition to the cans, bottles and the
like described above, all tossed into the pit either by the Morris family or the
family that earlier had lived on the property, all prior to construction of the
preschool in 1966.

Three other artifacts found in the dig initially seemed at odds with a trash pit
scenario. Discovery of the three items seems to have been a particularly powerful
controlling variable in establishing Stickel’s “tunnels” conclusion. That is because
these items had been manufactured after construction of the preschool building.
Thus, the three items had to have found their way underground after construction
of the school in 1966. The items were a fragment of what was likely a fold-top
sandwich bag, decorated with Disney characters and dated “Disney class 82-83,”
and two metal plumbing pipe fastener clips whose date of manufacture was
probably after 1966. But reliance on these as evidence of surreptitious tunnel fill
by the defendants is dubious because alternative explanations for the presence of
the three items are readily available.

First, it is likely that the bag fragment was carried underground by a squirrel,
gopher or other burrowing rodent. This activity, known as bioturbation, is common
and was noted by Stickel (p. 39) in describing how, elsewhere in the dig, a “snacksized cellophane wrapper”
that he discovered might have found its way underground. It is unclear why archeologist
Stickel did not apply a similar analysis to the Disney bag’s presence, slightly more than
two feet underground beneath the edge of the preschool building.

Second, the pipe joint clips were found on a pipe connected to a toilet in
classroom # 3, in the general “tunnel” area about two feet below ground, not far
from the building’s side wall. Because Stickel found no opening through the
concrete floor that would have enabled a human to have placed the clips on the
pipe, the presence of the clips appeared to fit his hypothesis that a room or tunnel
had existed beneath the floor. Evidently Stickel did not consider the possibility that
a plumber might have dug inward from outside the building and down just enough
to repair malfunctioning plumbing. Given that the classroom floor was concrete, a
plumber (and the building’s owner) likely would have preferred an outside route,
rather than use of a jackhammer to tear through the classroom’s concrete floor.

Several others of Stickel’s findings that initially seemed to support the
presence of a tunnel also have more plausible explanations. For example, there had
been talk of an alarm system by which a perpetrator in the school could have been
warned that a parent had arrived unexpectedly. Stickel reported finding an alarm
system running from room to room throughout the classroom building. One of
Stickel’s project staff members, Ted Gunderson (p.155, Appendix I.6), noted that,
while a child easily could have reached the classroom light switches, “…the ‘fire
alarm’ switches were out of a child’s reach in every case and were all about 4 ft. 6
in. above the floor.” Implied was that conspirators could have warned each other,
including conspirators below ground, on occasions that parents arrived
unexpectedly at the preschool, while children could not have reached the switches
in futile efforts to get help. More likely, however, is that the alarm switches were
placed relatively high on the walls because staff did not want children to set off
false fire alarms. The archeologist seems to have considered neither this ordinary
reason that fire alarm switches had been placed relatively high on the wall, nor
why the switches had been connected to a bell whose location was outside the
preschool’s front office door where parents and others entering the building surely
would have heard the alarm’s ring. Thus, the benign placement of wall switches
seems to have been interpreted by Stickel as evidence of wrongdoing, while at the
same time the exculpatory implications of the bell’s location were not addressed in
the archeologist’s report.

Such oversights are common in human experience. Psychologists have coined
the mentalistic term “confirmatory bias” to explain a phenomenon in which one
notices data which seem to confirm one’s hypothesis, and ignores (or does not see)
data that tend to disconfirm that hypothesis...

...Many other questions remain as well. Why would the defendants have
brought in fill dirt that included dozens of tin cans, bottles, trash-filled crockery, an
inner tube, TV antenna wire, steak bones, animal bones and other such debris?
Would Ray Buckey and the other defendants have brought in fill dirt from a dump?
If they had gotten their fill dirt from a dump, what are the odds that its contents
would exactly date from the 1920s to the 1950s when the earlier homeowners
would have been dumping their household trash? What are the odds that they
would have obtained their fill dirt from a dump that would have contained the
Morris family’s mailbox? The odds are powerfully against all of that. Rather, odds
are that there were no tunnels beneath the McMartin preschool and that what was
found was an old trash pit, nothing more.

The thinking of a cadre of true believers continues to remain under the control
of the lore that children could not be wrong about abuse, could not be led to
believe that abuse occurred when it had not. And they believe this in spite of
research on child suggestibility. They continue to assert their belief that, indeed,
many children were abused at the McMartin preschool, with some of the abuse
occurring in tunnels. They believe it notwithstanding the failed prosecutions, the
absence of incriminating hard evidence, and the use of questionable interviewing
techniques such as multiple interviews and leading (to the point of coercion)
questions by child abuse investigators. At least now this much is known, if any
abuse took place at the McMartin preschool, it was not done in tunnels, because
there were none

And before you try to go "but the FBI believes it" please keep in mind that the feds are incompetent and stupid. The CIA believed in mind control, ESP/telepathy, and telekinesis because they were too dumb to recognize charlatans when they tested them for these "skills." The Amazing Randi dedicated his life to debunking this exact kind of magical thinking in the 1970s because he realized that the police (both federal and local) were simply too ignorant and uneducated to figure it out themselves. The FBI didn't know any better when Stickel falsified his results for the sake of attention and to be lauded as a hero. They took it for granted.

There is also a very important thing to keep in mind: people lie about rape all the time. We see this every day. Trevor Bauer just finished fighting a two year lawsuit defending himself against a false rape accusation. Parents will actively push their children to lie about being raped so they can get money out of celebrities and rockstars and the like.

I am not going to gainsay the idea of there being a pedophile trafficking ring because we know those exist. But there are also weird assertions in the FBI notes that don't make sense: a paramilitary program where feral children were being bred from trafficked kids, bodies being buried out in some farm in Virginia far away from the school, The Finders being sent to communist nations like Russia and North Korea... and a total failure to tie all this back to McMartin and the claims about Satanic abuse. I think that this should be pinned on the FBI frankly because I'm looking at this and trying to figure out how this is supposed to tie into the McMartin abuse investigation. The FBI report I linked is so badly written that its actively difficult to understand the events and people that they're trying to link together.

Honestly it looks like some of you guys are getting these interpretations from the Winter Watch blog: And they're out here asserting that the reason the McMartin tunnel theory has never been substantiated is because the kids were dosed with LSD... when there is no evidence whatsoever that the kids were dosed with LSD or any other drugs. And yet we are supposed to be taking it for granted, without evidence, that these rape claims are not false. Come on.

This is the UFO hearings all over again, there is no proof being presented for these blatant lies and we're being asked to believe federal agents when we know that 1) feds are stupid and incompetent and 2) that people lie about rape all the time.
The reason i suspect that it's the elites behind the rituals and use media to cover it up is that the circumstances of at least one instance was very suspicious. So it could be a small number of them having sex with children during burning man style events at a beach or lake or something because it looks like a satanic ritual to some while being a passable public activity to others. The one who wrote about it got Clinton'd and the articles were taken down. So that is far too suspicious for me to call it a coincidence seeing as how he loves to assassinate journalists he doesn't like and is not even the only president to do so, even Hillary does it. I wouldn't be surprised if they also take incriminating recording of eachother as mutual blackmail.
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The reason i suspect that it's the elites behind the rituals and use media to cover it up is that the circumstances of at least one instance was very suspicious. So it could be a small number of them having sex with children during burning man style events at a beach or lake or something because it looks like a satanic ritual to some while being a passable public activity to others. The one who wrote about it got Clinton'd and the articles were taken down. So that is far too suspicious for me to call it a coincidence seeing as how he loves to assassinate journalists he doesn't like and is not even the only president to do so, even Hillary does it. I wouldn't be surprised if they also take incriminating recording of eachother as mutual blackmail.

Sure but that means the Satanic panic was still a retarded hoax where parents forced their children to lie about being raped by their teachers because they wanted to be hysterical about something. I'm sorry that guy got clintoned but how connected are they to a bunch of bored crackers wanting media attention?

The elites doing their cocksucker grove shit where they dance around their faggy totem pole owl and have child sacrifices or whatever is one thing, that is some high level shit, yes. But the Satanic panic was about how hundreds of teachers were raping kids and shit; not actually connected to the Clintons who are much more circumspect with their crimes. When teachers were investigated by police and put on trial (and this was in a time when those things actually meant something, pre-OJ) then the entire thing fell apart faster than you can say "bimbo eruption."
I guess what I'm trying to get across is, sometimes a hoax is actually just a hysterical movement brought upon by undersexed 1980s wine moms and its important to know the difference between that and a genuinely 👀 conspiracy
Sure but that means the Satanic panic was still a retarded hoax where parents forced their children to lie about being raped by their teachers because they wanted to be hysterical about something. I'm sorry that guy got clintoned but how connected are they to a bunch of bored crackers wanting media attention?

The elites doing their cocksucker grove shit where they dance around their faggy totem pole owl and have child sacrifices or whatever is one thing, that is some high level shit, yes. But the Satanic panic was about how hundreds of teachers were raping kids and shit; not actually connected to the Clintons who are much more circumspect with their crimes. When teachers were investigated by police and put on trial (and this was in a time when those things actually meant something, pre-OJ) then the entire thing fell apart faster than you can say "bimbo eruption."
That's kind of what i was saying in a different way. The satanic panic is a hoax and absurd on purpose to throw people off more mundane but still pretty bad things they don't want us to know. Sort of like how there was in fact no fnaf style child rape dungeons under pizza places and that was also a hoax like the school thing. But other unrelated things can be real at the same time. Like cheese pizza being a code word for child porn or those meetings where politicians larp as a frat boy cult and molest kids.
I guess what I'm trying to get across is, sometimes a hoax is actually just a hysterical movement brought upon by undersexed 1980s wine moms and its important to know the difference between that and a genuinely 👀 conspiracy
Also my point, well said. Another thing i was saying is that it fits into the theme of politicans causing problems for money to pretend to fix them and make them worse for bigger budget like the Simpsons episode where homer was a crossing guard.
That's kind of what i was saying in a different way. The satanic panic is a hoax and absurd on purpose to throw people off more mundane but still pretty bad things they don't want us to know. Sort of like how there was in fact no fnaf style child rape dungeons under pizza places and that was also a hoax like the school thing. But other unrelated things can be real at the same time. Like cheese pizza being a code word for child porn or those meetings where politicians larp as a frat boy cult and molest kids.

Also my point, well said.

i got you, my bad if i came off as condescending or something