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Chase / Chase663

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Who cares if he's Chase as long as his information is good? If you want to talk about him you're free to make a thread about him. That would be better than detailing this thread.
If you take the to read the info I posted. You'll realize that his info is not good and that he is a schizophrenic who murdered his dog.
Says the guy who now admits he doesn't think I'm a sock! 🤣
I think what's going on here is that Chase is fucking correct about most of the things he says. And that you don't have to be Chase or be a friend of Chase to reach the same conclusion from the same evidence.
Sure does seem to be a concerted effort to get us to not talk about that evidence though...
Sounds like good threat potential so hop to it.
Fine I'll make a proper thread but I'm going to need some time and probably some assistance. This dude has lore thicker than a phone book. I've already posted quite a bit of information. That should assist in better understanding the situation.
Says the guy who now admits he doesn't think I'm a sock! 🤣
I think what's going on here is that Chase is fucking correct about most of the things he says. And that you don't have to be Chase or be a friend of Chase to reach the same conclusion from the same evidence.
Sure does seem to be a concerted effort to get us to not talk about that evidence though...
Oh no I definitely still think you're a sock I can't prove it, and if you're not you're one of his troll Shields that he recruits from other accounts. Don't get it twisted fagot. Even now you're still going on about your baseless conspiracies about how everybody is covering up for something that doesn't exist.
Well, at least I'm not a sock any more. But Chase has associates now? Really? This is the first I'm hearing about it, and I've been listening to you fucks sperg out interminably about Chase FOR SIX MONTHS NOW. (Which is why I wrote what I wrote in my signature)
Has it occurred to you that if Chase is acquiring friends, it's because you FUCKS NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT HIM AND YOU'RE MAKING HIM SEEM CREDIBLE BY ACTING LIKE INSUFFERABLE FAGGOTS 24 FUCKING 7?
Just a thought, right?
Yeah nice troll shielding, I know your a sock account for chase, and you just got here (6 months my ass) and the only thing you've done so far is post in the vtuber threads. You couldn't be any more fucking obvious if you tried.
Yeah nice troll shielding, I know your a sock account for chase, and you just got here (6 months my ass) and the only thing you've done so far is post in the vtuber threads. You couldn't be any more fucking obvious if you tried.
Can you fucking pick which one you think I am? Am I Chase or am I a troll shield? Also I don't actually know what a troll shield is...
Pick one and stick with it dipshit faggot.
What evidence do you have of this nigger bullshit you keep babbling
So do you still think that kiwi farms is covering for Pippa Pipkin? That Josh is hiding information because he was paid to do so you type that.
What evidence do you have of this nigger bullshit you keep babbling
Your own words


This is the same schizo theory that chase wrote at kiwi farms before he was ran off
Yeah it's off topic you should look into it though. The guy beheaded his mother's dog and is known for spreading child porn.
You keep saying a lot of things with no evidence this isn’t kiwifarms you need to provide proof if you going to make claims dumb nigger.