Registered Member
are you mr linux??????????????????I'm bored and onion farms amuses me. Plus, tbr, Kengal seems like a good dude.
No but I was a software architect on a giant PHP project. Got overconfident.
are you mr linux??????????????????I'm bored and onion farms amuses me. Plus, tbr, Kengal seems like a good dude.
No but I was a software architect on a giant PHP project. Got overconfident.
elaine no longer loves me ive moved on i need my pajeet tech job to win her back how do i code????????It's ya boy cowboy. Go simp after Elaine Piss-pants you ignorant fuck.
The other big reason is money. $25/hour or so will get you an experienced developer from PakistanI'm bored and onion farms amuses me. Plus, tbr, Kengal seems like a good dude.
No but I was a software architect on a giant PHP project. Got overconfident.
how much money to win your heart kenThe other big reason is money. $25/hour or so will get you an experienced developer from Pakistan
You are not admin material Cowboy. You are not staff materialhow much money to win your heart ken
lies you have been falling this forum for fucking years children have been born since you ran this forum and how has it gone kenny AWFUL your a fucking failure you want to fuck josh moon but pretend to be cool your a LOLCOW in the highest regard you boil hamburgers for fucks sake your retarded you should be in an autistic group home instead of running this failing forum you have the brain of a child with severe autism you know less about CSS than a kindergardener your retarded go fuck yourself i could and did run a forum for free and it had more members in two months then anything you have done in 12 years im going to make a site better than this shit hole fuck you ken and fuck your boiled burgersYou are not admin material Cowboy. You are not staff material
so you didnt get waht you want and are crying about it ?i could and did run a forum for free and it had more members in two months then anything you have done in 12 years im going to make a site better than this shit hole fuck you ken and fuck your boiled burgers
im going to turn this forum to a ghost town ken can cry and shit his diapers about it but im going to boil his forum like his hamburgersso you didnt get waht you want and are crying about it ?
IT'S YA BOI COWBOY!@Ashley Hutsell Jankowski would you join freedomfarms 2
You may as well have explained a steam engine to a caveman. Giving Kengle good advice can only end in one way and that is giving him new and creative ways to break things by trying to reverse engineer them, think a chimpanzee taking apart an alarm clock. Is it possible that a chimpanzee can vaguely understand what an alarm clock is? Maybe, It's certainly possible that it would have some vague primitive idea what's going on inside the object it's just dissected, but it can never put it back together.I'm gonna be real with you here: $25 per hour is great money in south-asia, but I wouldn't wipe my ass with someone that made that much in the US. You need to get the onion farms repo in source control.
From memory:
1) git init
In the source directory which is in home slash some shit slash I don't remember bc there are so many onion farms directories
2) Specifically ask/demand that the Indians/Pakistanis make branches onto that repo. The dumbshit I did would have been a quick git revert otherwise. Get a private github account (doesn't cost anything) and put the site there. Branches work like this: they start off as a copy of master (ideally a copy of what's running in production, IE here), and you make a branch like "fix icons" or whatever. Then the dev merges it into the master, it gets pushed to production. When shit goes bad you can either just go to an old release or revert to a specific point in time via the command line or a GUI tool. I'm new here but that seems to be the major problem with this site.
would you join freedomfarms 2?You may as well have explained a steam engine to a caveman. Giving Kengle good advice can only end in one way and that is giving him new and creative ways to break things by trying to reverse engineer them, think a chimpanzee taking apart an alarm clock. Is it possible that a chimpanzee can vaguely understand what an alarm clock is? Maybe, It's certainly possible that it would have some vague primitive idea what's going on inside the object it's just dissected, but it can never put it back together.
So kudos. If Ken gets that set up, it can only end in hilarity.
If you buy an actual domain, I'll set up a cracked xenforo for you. Sure.would you join freedomfarms 2?