I never had any interest in Burning Man... that is, until recent events with 70k "Burners" stuck on the festival premises for days due to a storm turning turning the whole place into a gigantic mud bath:
How it started:
How it's going now: "There's a strange dystopian feeling"
According to this video by two "Burning Man virgins", it costs between $2k to $20k to attend this event for a week, depending on the level of comfort you're able to afford. So the people who are there right now, on average spent at least $2000 only to end up in a mud pool with overflowing portapotties:
The mud looks like it's already dried up and is now walkable, I don't see anyone sinking ankle deep into the mud here, but they're aparently expecting more rain soon:
These are their 10 festival/event principles that everyone who visits this event is supposed to live by while they're there:
But they are already violating them, even though they aren't buying or selling or have any kind of exchange currency during their event:
NGL, I love watching these "Mudman" survival videos on Youtube because it feels like I'm watching an anachronistic version of American pioneers.
How it started:
How it's going now: "There's a strange dystopian feeling"
According to this video by two "Burning Man virgins", it costs between $2k to $20k to attend this event for a week, depending on the level of comfort you're able to afford. So the people who are there right now, on average spent at least $2000 only to end up in a mud pool with overflowing portapotties:
The mud looks like it's already dried up and is now walkable, I don't see anyone sinking ankle deep into the mud here, but they're aparently expecting more rain soon:
These are their 10 festival/event principles that everyone who visits this event is supposed to live by while they're there:
But they are already violating them, even though they aren't buying or selling or have any kind of exchange currency during their event:
NGL, I love watching these "Mudman" survival videos on Youtube because it feels like I'm watching an anachronistic version of American pioneers.