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Sexuality Drama Bathrooms and transgender

Sexuality related drama


Hellovan Onion
There have been many discussions on various threads and areas of the Internet of whether or not transgender people can use the opposite bathroom. Transgender women can use a female bathroom and transgender men can use the men’s bathroom.

I don’t really have any experience with any Trans -women using the bathroom with me, but then again, I probably didn’t notice unless they really don’t pass. There is an unwritten rule about the women’s bathroom is not to draw attention to yourself unless it’s important like you’re hurt or injured and you need 911.

The women’s bathroom has a long, complicated history. Sex segregation began in Paris in 1700s but didn’t really kicked off until America in the 1800s. Back in the Victorian age, according to the history books, the reason why women have a dressing room, and a little vanity area was because at the time women going out of the home was taxing on them. The home was a woman’s place .So another words the bathrooms, for the women were a little bigger to help them relax after exploring the outside world. The other reason why there was a dressing room in the woman’s bathroom is because during the Victorian age, women had many, many, layers of clothing, and that’s not easy to get on and off. However, in the more modern times, there’s not many dressing rooms unless the building is old. There may be a small separate room this is for mothers who are nursing their young or need to change the diapers.

The structure of the female restroom is of the following. There is a toilet, there is a sink, and there is a place to take the toilet paper. There’s a little box in each stall to deposit used napkins and tampons. There is a device thingy on the wall for mothers to have an area for baby changing. There’s also a little vending machine attached to the wall and you have to deposit a few coin to get a tampon or a pad. I’ve also noticed there may be a few times in my life where that wasn’t around. There is also paper towels or a dryer. How clean a woman’s bathroom is well that depends? Some women’s bathrooms are clean. Some are kept decent and some are the stuff of nightmares. I’ve been to a Walmart bathroom in the women’s many times toilet paper everywhere. And don’t get me started clog toilets or long lines.

Now bathroom etiquette is basically the same outside of the bathroom. With a few differences like you’re not supposed to hog the stall when there’s a long line and you don’t want to hover over another woman or weirdly stare at them. If there’s no toilet paper in the stall or if there’s a clog toilet, you just let every woman know. Sometimes I’ve said it in kindly and sometimes I just had to shout it out.
I’ve been using the bathroom for 36 years as a woman. Well, I was a baby my mom brought me to the bathroom and to be on the changing table at first. As I got older my mom escorted me to the bathroom with along my sister, and any other female that was with us. I think I’ve vaguely remember my dad bringing me to the men’s bathroom to pee if my mother wasn’t around .it was until I was maybe middle school that I was able to go to the bathroom on my own as long as it was short distance like the local restaurant and my mom knew exactly where the bathroom was were. I was told a young age that I had to wash my hands afterwards because of germs. When I was little until my late 20s. I would go to the gym to swim at .first when I was, you know a small child, I would go with my grandmother, mom, family, friends . you get the drift and when I would go, there would be naked women, but they were all older like in their 50s and 60s sometimes there will be young women, but not always. There would be more or less likely a few individual stalls with individual showers. Women would use them for their own privacy. There would be a large curtain. Older women would sometimes be naked but not walk around naked, but there will be individual lockers where they would be in front and of course, boobs would hang out. But it would only last for about a minute or two unless the women are a bit older and slow. If the women knew each other, they were, you know, chitchat.

As I got older from grammar school to high school, I didn’t go to the YMCA for my grandparents didn’t go a lot. So I went swimming at the local school me and a group of my girls that are friend. My age would swim together and then afterword’s we would change in the girl’s locker room. Most of the time the girls would use individual bathroom stalls to change from their wet bathing suits to their clothes that they brought in with them it was not easy, but we all manage, some girls were very brave and just changed in front of their individual lockers but they had a towel with them so it so you couldn’t really see them change from their underwear bathing suit, vice versa. I learned a young age of changing with a towel on from being swimsuit to underwear. And vice versa.

Now in my 20s when I was able to afford gym membership that had a swimming pool with it. It was basically the same thing that I experienced in high school, but the ages were all different. There were some women with young children. They were older women. They were younger women, but it the atmosphere was the same. I was also more comfortable with my body exposed not that I was walking around the bathroom butt naked, but when I was changing out of my wetsuit, I didn’t really need to use the towel that much. Just like I was young, there are individual stalls with showers and there were some areas or gyms where there was individual changing rooms but that was more on the pricey side. Other things of note that I’ve noticed in women’s bathroom in the gym depends on how much the gym is. I went to lifetime fitness and they had places where you can dry your wet suits. There was also an area to plug in your dryer or put on makeup or personal vanity set up. There would be also a small steam room and sauna room. As far as I know, women would go in there with their towels on .And there’s some gyms where it’s on the cheap side that don’t have any of that ,so the only place you can change is the bathroom stall and if there’s place to plug in the dryer it would be right next to the sink.

That when it comes to regular bathrooms, it’s just basically me going to the bathroom going to stall doing my business, going out, washing my hands and then just going out the door. I don’t recall having a unique experience as me using the washroom .when I was in high school-maybe grammar school sometimes the girls were going to the bathroom to talk but it was mostly because we didn’t want the teachers or boys to overhear because during school dances. Women of all ages like to gossip in private. Other areas of school was more or less closed off and you only had so many areas to be in privacy.

No before the age of cell phones and you were with a group of people, and there were a few girls that heard a conversation, but wanted to say their piece about the conversation, they would go to the bathroom and talk about it. For example, sometimes at family gatherings I and my female cousins would go into the girl’s bathroom and hopefully our aunt’s well didn’t come in and we would discuss the conversation that was going on about outside the bathroom. In other words, if my cousin and I want to talk shit about our aunts, we would probably had to do that in the bathroom. Lol

Now that there are cell phones around women can basically have conversations privately on the phone to talking to people at family gatherings, other gatherings, and what not. Forgive me if all that sounds dull and boring.
Now, when I came to safety, I never felt unsafe in the woman’s bathroom. Sometimes I would feel uncomfortable in the women’s bathroom especially if the woman’s bathroom was not clean however, my experience should not have other woman’s experiences go on noticed. In the past I have heard about women being raped, assaulted and kidnapped in the bathroom. Sometimes this these places would be in a crime ridden area. And sometimes it would be in a middle class area. I’ve also heard of women being assaulted by other women in the bathroom for various reasons. In all of these crimes, the victims would be comforted and the police or society will look for the criminals. The criminals would be condemned by society for their crimes.

Now comes the debate on whether trans people should use the opposite bathroom of their sex. Now, if a transwoman comes in passes enough or if the person is more or less, not being weird to say the least, I would be fine with it. Hell I wouldn’t mind if the men use the bathroom to.

But here’s where it gets tricky I would be more comfortable with men I know of or men I have more trust in association then that of complete strangers. (They say a woman is mostly raped by someone they trust versus being in the back alley in the middle of the night.)

As a woman, I was raised to be respectful with two other women in the bathroom. If a transgender woman shows the same respect, I will give them the same respect. for example, if Rose of dawn ,Blair white, and Shapeshifter decides to use the loo with me, I will be fine with it, for I have some trust and respect for them .now if something happened to me and I was raped, molested or somewhat and of course, my decision was stupid. Sometimes bad things happen and sometimes they don’t.

The biggest problem is that there are certain people transgender women that want to use the bathroom they don’t realize that they’re being disrespectful and being shitty as hell to where I don’t feel I can't trust them in the bathroom with me. They seem very childish and selfish with a large entitlement ego. and if something were to happen to me, rape murder assault some type of crime I would feel like they would either victim blame me, or ignore the crime altogether. Or worse say it wasn’t a big deal when it was. Where it shows a transgender woman raped a woman in the bathroom. Certain members of society post sympathy with a transgender woman. I’m sorry a rapist is a rapist.

Here’s what I have to say on the subject anybody want to post their opinions .men what do you say of transmen in men's bathroom?
History of Woman bathroom

I personally have never experienced a troon of any orientation flashing at me in a bathroom. I need to find the archived link of that one Tumblr blog that had a long ass list of incidents that took place in women's bathrooms due to perverts sneaking in. I don't have it right now but that list was very long and convincing, so of course it got censored on Tumblr. I don't think all of the incidents in that list were transwomen though, they were also just plain guys tresspassing into women's restrooms just to be creeps. I guess the argument was that allowing men to go into women's spaces while LARPing as transwomen will only make an existing problem worse and harder to deal with.
I guess the argument was that allowing men to go into women's spaces while LARPing as transwomen will only make an existing problem worse and harder to deal with.
I started a thread about this. The tranny invasion of "wymbymz spaces" is the result of the TERFs wanting to ban Men's Clubs. Yer TERFs like Poser Parky brought this on themselves.
For me it's a matter of privacy. If the stalls completely enclose the toilet from the floor to the ceiling, it makes no difference to me who uses the toilet next to me. But that is just me personally.
I personally have never experienced a troon of any orientation flashing at me in a bathroom. I need to find the archived link of that one Tumblr blog that had a long ass list of incidents that took place in women's bathrooms due to perverts sneaking in. I don't have it right now but that list was very long and convincing, so of course it got censored on Tumblr. I don't think all of the incidents in that list were transwomen though, they were also just plain guys tresspassing into women's restrooms just to be creeps. I guess the argument was that allowing men to go into women's spaces while LARPing as transwomen will only make an existing problem worse and harder to deal with.
The amount of convicted criminals who suddenly become a transwoman are the same amount of transgender-identifying individuals that would go into a woman's bathroom to prey on them or install cameras. It just makes it easier for creeps to invade women's safe spaces.
The amount of convicted criminals who suddenly become a transwoman are the same amount of transgender-identifying individuals that would go into a woman's bathroom to prey on them or install cameras. It just makes it easier for creeps to invade women's safe spaces.
I would advocate a change in the design. Instead of the standard stalls, have them designed like individual closets with the stall walls that totally extend from the floor to the ceiling with a standard doorknob and lock that will afford total privacy. If you want universal gender bathrooms that is how it's done.
I would advocate a change in the design. Instead of the standard stalls, have them designed like individual closets with the stall walls that totally extend from the floor to the ceiling with a standard doorknob and lock that will afford total privacy. If you want universal gender bathrooms that is how it's done.
I agree, but there's the problem of the elderly passing out in the bathroom and not being found for several hours. I'm worried more about men going in and planting cameras than them creeping under/over the stall to look. You have a better chance of catching them that way than finding a hidden cam, which you normally wouldn't actively be searching for.
I agree, but there's the problem of the elderly passing out in the bathroom and not being found for several hours. I'm worried more about men going in and planting cameras than them creeping under/over the stall to look. You have a better chance of catching them that way than finding a hidden cam, which you normally wouldn't actively be searching for.

Hey, I got toget back to work. I just Google search that. Apparently there’s some techniques I’m trying to find hidden cameras.
Also, my interesting advice. Is anyone going to the bathroom have bad diarrhea Just pretend you have very very bad diarrhea.