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Autistic things you do.

class 37s are probably my favourite diesel locos and i like the noise they make especially on freezing mornings in the scottish highlands. I’m a big fan of this particular livery and wish they applied it to all trains in scotland and not just the sleepets (with the exception of the spt area with based carmine and cream)

I also have a fondness for sleeper trains in general because they are peak comfy and i hear one go by my house every night.
Ok, you win.

How funny it would be if you've never actually ridden on one of them. I can tell you right now that long-distance train trips are a misery.
Awwww...really? I've always wanted to go on one.
I save the pulltabs from cans of cat food.

I started doing it seven years ago because I thought, "Maybe I can make something out of these." Eventually, I had a gallon yogurt tub full, but I still hadn't figured out what to do with them.

By then, however, I couldn't stop saving them. It was not only an automatic behavior; I actually felt mild anxiety if I didn't save them. And I still thought that there might be a good, as yet undiscovered, use for them. Plus, it was really a harmless quirk, right?

Pre-Covid, I volunteered at an animal shelter, caring for the cats one morning a week. That included feeding them. I started coming home from the shelter with a pocket full of pulltabs--maybe 30 or 40, adding to the ones I was accumulating due to my own cats, plus fosters. At my peak, I was accumulating 200 or so every week.

I started storing the pulltabs in gallon milk jugs I scavenged from the neighbors' recycling bin (because I don't drink milk) and washed out. They buy their milk at Costco, so the jugs are squarish and stackable, with a nice wide mouth; thery're perfect, and I won't use any other kind. I keep a jug on the kitchen counter, add poptops whenever I fed the cats (or when I used to get home from the shelter), and when it's full I cap it and put it in the basement.

I now have 14 milk jugs of cat food pulltabs in my basement, and another one nearly full on the kitchen counter.

I did figure out what to do with them, however; I can link them together, almost like chainmail, and think it would make an interesting--and weatherproof--privacy screen to cover the ugly 6' chainlink fence between my house and the neighbors'. I put together a section about three feet square; it went together quickly and easily, and used a lot of pulltabs. Given the size of the project, I suspect I will use all 14 gallons of pulltabs before it's done.

Now I'm hung up on whether I want to paint the pulltabs different colors, and create a design with them, and if so, what colors and what design? So I've been bogged down in that for months now. And even once I do commit to a design and finish the project, I'm still accumulating pull tabs because I can't stop--and what then? Seriously--what then?
fold clothes then mess up a stack of folded ones without refolding them. I'm fucking lazy when I want to be
i always leave just enough dishes in the sink so ihave an excuse to not have to clean the bottom of the sink.. :story: